Spy-Mantic ♡ Chapter Seven

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Yikes. I wrote this story when I was... fifteen maybe? Give or take a year. The grammar is excruciating but I do not plan on fixing it haha. I did start a re-write, but writing on here is definitely not my top priority for now ):

I stood there ready to take on my opponents. I've taken down one of them before, so I'm sure I could take down a couple others.

I waved my competition over to me, and one by one, they attacked.

The first one walked over and threw a punch, but even a kindergartener could dodge it like I did. To finish him off, I kneed him in the stomach, and elbowed him in the back, sending him falling to the ground in pain.

Woah, I didn't even know I could do that.

The second one came running at me, and without even thinking, I punched HIM in the stomach, and kicked him over.

W-what was this? How can I possibly be taking all these guys down. I mean, I had the thought of doing it, but I didn't actually think I could.

This right here boosted my confidence, and now it's my turn.

I ran towards a couple of them, and started throwing punches and kicks. A few men fell, but the others who were standing were thinking about teaming up on me.

All three of them ran after me at the same time. The first one tried to punch my face, will the other tried to kick my leg. I ducked, dodging the punch, but took the kick right in my left rib.

I fell over in pain, holding my hand over where it hurt. Now wasn't the time to cry though, because the men were still trying to demolish me.

I stood up with all of my might, and punched two of them, directly in the face. When the other was looking at his friends, I kicked him in the chest. These three were done for now.

I hurried past them and met a couple others on the way.

I know I could take these guys. They weren't even as big as the others were.

I raised my fist, ready to punch one of them, but to my luck, a news helicopter flew over us.

The helicopter stopped right above our alley, which told me they were filming us.

Oh God. Their filming us. Their filming me. That means... We're the center of attention.

Instead of punching one of the men, I dropped my arm and stepped back. I can't do this anymore. I can't be the center of attention or else I'll choke.

And choking is what I was doing right now.

The men must of realized I was now weak, because they swarmed around me, faster than bee's with honey.

"Stay away!" I yelled. A few of them laughed, but still continued to get closer.

Someone grabbed my arm, while two others grabbed both my feet and lifted me up.

I squirmed as much as I could, but I couldn't fight because of the stupid news helicopter that was filming us right now.

"Let go of me!" I demanded, earning a few more laughs.

"Your time's up sweetie." One of them said.

I should of known I couldn't of handled over 20 men on my own. It was stupid of me to even try. I'm such a failure.

As much as I wanted to try and save myself, I just sighed and let them take me. There really wasn't much I could of done right now. It was 1 against who knows how many? There was no point in trying anymore.

But just as I was thinking about this, I heard a faint voice scream my name.

"Ella!?" It said.

Who could be calling my name in London? I don't know anybody.

"Ella!?" I heard again, but this time it was louder.

Hold on... It sounded just like- WILL!

"Ella!" He yelled, this time sounding even louder. Will was getting closer!

"Will!" I yelled out, causing one of the men to cover my mouth.

"Ella! Where are you?" He asked, sounding EVEN closer!

I wanted to reply, but the mans nasty hand was over my mouth, so instead, I screamed with my mouth closed.

Next thing I know, Will was coming at us. Will was such a fast runner, and I do admire him for that. A giant smile formed on my face as I saw him taking down a few men on his way to save me.

"You take the girl, and we'll take care of the kid." The men came to an agreement, and most of them left, leaving me and two others alone.

These two started running as fast as their fat bodies could run, away from Will with me in their hands.

"Stop!" I yelled, once the hand was off of my mouth.

"Kenny has orders that we must deliver." One of them said.

"Not my problem." I so wish I could help Will fight, but the helicopter was still in sight. That fricken rimes!

"Put me down!" I cried, trying to break free with all the strength I had left.

"Shut up!" One commanded.

"No, put me down!" I demanded once more, but the men ignored me for a short second.

"She said, put her down."

I knew that voice. It was the same voice that was shouting my name a couple minutes ago. It was Will's.

"Get lost kid." One sneered.

"Put her down." Will demanded, ignoring him.

"Why should we?" The other asked.

"Well, you don't have too." I frowned once I heard this, "But if you don't, I'll kick your asses." Ok, back to smiling.

"If you let her go, I'll let YOU go in exchange." Will offered them up a pretty good deal. The two men looked at each other and nodded, putting me down.

"Now YOU get lost." Will waved goodbye to them with a smirk as they ran away.

"Thanks." I said quietly, looking down. I was kind of embarrassed by this whole situation.

"Are you ok?" He asked, examining me for a scratch.

"I'm fine." I replied, not bothering to look back up.

"Ella, what were you thinking?" He asked. His tone was sort of calm, but mostly upset.

"I'm sorry. I thought I could take them, and I was able too! But then the news helicopter showed up, and..." I didn't finish my sentence on purpose. I didn't exactly want Will to know that attention was my weakness.

"And what?" He awaited my answer, which I didn't give, "You have to tell me."

"It's nothing." I lied.

"That's bull." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"I just don't want to talk about it, ok?"

"Fine, fine. But never do that again. That was stupid."

"I know."

"Than why did you?"

"Kenny wanted me, and I didn't want them to take me so easily, so I fought back." Will nodded.

"But thanks for saving me." I lightly smiled for a second, and Will's eyes widened.

"O-oh um, I only did that because it's my job you know." He rubbed the back of his neck and avoided eye contact with me. This caused me to laugh silently. Once Will caught a glimpse of my laughing actions, he started to laugh too.

"Let's get you back to the hotel." He said.

Spy-Mantic *Completed* [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now