Spy-Mantic ♡ Chapter Nine

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My eyes shot open.

The room wasn't black, nor was I tied to anything. I was simply lying in a bed, in a high class room to be honest. I must of been tired, and decided to take a nap.

I stood up, and stretched my short arms and legs out, right before I walked over to the large, white door that stood out in the gold- like room.

But when I turned the knob, it stopped halfway, not letting me open the door.

Damn it, it's locked.

And this is where I remembered everything. Being chased by a couple men, standing on top of a building, Will getting knocked out, and then me getting knocked out. This must be where they brought me, but why am I dressed nice, lying in a nice bed?

Surprisingly, I didn't have my old, ripped blue jeans, and orange tank on anymore. Instead, I was wearing a really TIGHT, black dress that stopped right below my ass. Like, this dress was extremely tight. I don't even think I'm breathing right now, when I think about it.

I turned, and walked over to a mirror. My eyes lit up once I saw the difference. For once, I actually felt pretty. Someone must of done my hair, and my makeup while I was out.... and that does seem a little creepy.

I sat back down on the bed and sighed. I wasn't making a big deal about being kidnapped and being locked in a room, because I knew who was behind this. It was Kenny, and Kenny didn't really seem like the type of person who would hurt a girl... or me.

An elegant knock interrupted my thoughts, and I watched as the knob turned and the door swung open.

"Good morning Princess!" A cheerful voice filled the once quiet room.

Morning? Did I really sleep until morning?

"Is Will okay?" I asked, causing Kenny to roll his eyes.

"Who even cares? You have me now, and I'll be the one protecting you." Kenny winked at me. The way he said this was very sexual, so now I'm a little scared.

"But you're the one who kidnapped me, so you should be the one I'm protected from." I stared at him impassively, showing him now was not the time to mess around with me. I just need to know if Will's okay. That way, I can continue living, and hopefully save the Agency from Kenny's plans.

"So, is Will okay?" I asked once more.

"And why should I tell you?" Kenny walked past me, stroking some of my hair.

"If you show me that Will's okay , I'll-" I paused. I was just about to basically give up my life for Will and his Agency, but was i actually able too?

Kenny doesn't really seem like he's that bad, plus he's also pretty hot, but there's just something about him I can't exactly tolerate.

But that shouldn't matter, right? If my friend and his agency are in trouble, I should do whatever it takes to help them, even if it means doing something I'd hate to do. I mean, shouldn't I?

"You'll what, sweetheart?" Kenny raised one of his eyebrows, which showed me he was interested in hearing me out.

"If you show me that Will's okay, AND promise not to ruin the Agency, I'll be your princess when you overthrow the Prince." His face lit up when he heard my deal, but quickly dropped down to a smirk.

"I don't know honey, that seems a little too much for me." He explained.

"It's two simple things, I'm sure you can manage." I snapped, earning a small chuckle from his mouth.

"You know, you've changed." He began, "But I like it! You have yourself, a deal!" He held out his hand for me to shake, but I didn't want to shake his hand, so I met his eyes with mine.

"Show me that Will's okay first." Kenny nodded, and grabbed my hand, leading me to a room across the way.

The hallway we walked in, was extremely nice. This must be some house instead of a warehouse. That's somewhat good.

When he opened the door, the room was filled with many cameras. Kenny pointed to one towards the middle. It was of our hotel room, and Will was in it.

My heart dropped once I saw him though. Not because I'm in love with him, because I'm not, but because he wasn't doing anything to try and rescue me. He was just sitting on the couch, laughing at a TV show.

And his laugh was a laugh that I've never seen before. Probably because he's happy that I'm out of his way.

This just shows that he really does hate me. I wanted to think he didn't, but I can't now.

Will officially hates me.

I looked away as a single tear fell out of my eyes, and down my face.

"Will doesn't care about you like I do." Kenny said, breaking the silence, and beginning to rub my back.

"I know, but why does it hurt so much? I feel like I already knew that, yet I'm still crying." I wiped a couple years away.

"It's because you didn't want to know." He pointed out.

"W-what?" I looked up at him.

"It's because you like him." He stated, "Even though you just met him, and you argue all the time."

I looked down. This can't be true, can it? I never thought I liked Will, and clearly he doesn't like me.

"He likes you too." Kenny said, "I can tell."

For some reason, my heart leaped once I heard this. Will likes me!?

"But none of that matters anymore, because you're mine, and mine only." Kenny pushed me up against a wall, and brought his face close to mine.His warm breath could be felt against my cheeks and chin.

I didn't want to kiss him though! I wanted to kiss Will!

I turned my head as much as I could, as he leaned in for a kiss. His lips brushed my cheek for a moment, until he pulled his head back.

"Sometimes, I wish you weren't so tough." Kenny sighed right before leaving me alone in the video room. I guess now I was able to roam around freely.

Just because, I walked back over to the camera that had Will in it. I watched with a sly smile on my face, as he was still laughing perfectly.

My smile dropped when he waved someone over, though. I narrowed my eyes at the screen as a girl walked in and sat down next to him.

She was petite, a brunette, and wearing my old clothes-

She was....


Spy-Mantic *Completed* [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now