Bot Fighting in San Fransokyo

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Soooo... hey, lovelies! Wattpad decided to ban my OneArtsyGamer03 account... which is so great am I right


It's fine! Totally fine. Right now, I'm just focusing on republishing all my old stories. They will be left unedited, as I'm going to be publishing new, fresh versions of these stories anyway so there's not really any point in editing these ones. I just wanna get them back up for you all to find.

That being said, I will not be editing anything or fixing anything in these old stories since I'm writing up new better versions of these anyway! So I'm just gonna be copying and pasting the chapters, leaving in all author notes and everything. <3

Also! I'm also going to be copying this message into all my old stories so if you see it again that's why.

Anyway... Welcome home, lovelies <3


Third Person P.O.V

The Golden Gate Bridge of San Fransokyo came into view, the sun setting in the distance as the city starts lighting up.

Car horns honked aggressively, people wanting to get home quickly to relax after a hard day's work. The neon lights danced around the car's windows as they drove past, the train's horn blaring as it drives overhead.

Further past the glam and beauty, loud thudding came from an alley way. A light flickered, lighting up before going out once more as another rumble went off.

Two large bots clashed, one blocking with its shield as the other slams against it. It throws the red robot back, raising its claw and striking as the red bot smacks it away.

The red bot slams the black and yellow bot away, making it stagger before it raises its shield. The black bot grabs the red one as it charges, raising it and slamming it to the ground.

The black bot then grabs the red bot's arm, hurling it away as people cheer. The girl controlling the red robot gasps, her bright pink hair swaying lightly as she glares at the black bot.

She controls her bot, making it rise as more people cheer. The block bot resumes its defense, a large man controlling it. The two bots continue fighting against one another, the red robot dodging and ramming its claw up.

It knocks the black bot back for a second, the crowd groaning in disappointment as the red robot prepares for the final blow.

It clips its claws, raising its hand before the block bot spins around and grabs it. Its other hand becomes a saw, and the black robot pulls the red bot down and slices its head off.

The girl's eyes were wide in disbelief, her bot destroyed. People pay their bets, many disappointed and many laughing in joy.

"The winner, by total annihilation..." A woman yells over the crowd, an eyepatch covering one eye and her hair held up in a bun. "Yama!"

Yama rises with a triumphant smirk, the woman holding out his winnings on a plate. "Who is next?!"

He demands, grabbing the money and tucking it away. "Who has the guts to step into the ring with little Yama?!" He holds up his bot, other players quickly hiding their bots away.

A man snaps his own bot's head off, knowing he had no chance.

"... Can I try?" A meek voice questions, making Yama's smile falls as he grunts in question.

The crowd parts, revealing Hiro and (Y/N). They look between the two teens with raised brows of disbelief, (Y/N) nervously smiling.

"Uh... We both made this bot," (Y/N) slowly adds, Hiro nodding with an innocent smile. "I mostly designed it while he did the engineering, but I tweeked it a bit."

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