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I'm so sorry about the long wait! I hope these chapters make up for it ^·^

Also, I'm so sorry for any spelling errors

I'm verrryyy sleep deprived and legit did these chapters at 1 a.m haha--


Third Person P.O.V

Hiro and (Y/N) smoosh together on the center of Baymax, Honey and Go Go on either side holding his wings.

"Killer view," Go Go hums, nodding with satisfaction.

"Yeah," Wasabi agrees, clinging to Baymax's large fist in terror while Fred was carried in the other hand. "I-If I wasn't terrified of heights, I'd probably love this."

He glances down for a moment, regretting it instantly as he adjusts his grip.

"But I'm terrified of heights, so I don't love it!"

Baymax continues flying to the island, reaching it within minutes.

"There," (Y/N) points to a building on the island, Hiro nodding.

"Baymax, take us in."

He slowly starts landing, dropping Fred onto his feet while Wasabi detaches himself shakily.

"Awesome!" Fred laughs, the others climbing down. "Our first landing together as a team!"

(Y/N) looks up at the building nervously, Hiro shushing Fred. "Come on."

"Quarantine?" Wasabi blinks rapidly at the sign. "Uh, do you people know what Quarantine means?"

"Yep. That we should have masks on and be a few feet apart," (Y/N) replies, adjusting her glove.

"Quarantine. Enforced isolation to prevent contamination that could lead to disease, or in some cases, death," Baymax expands as they slowly move through the outside of the building.

"Oh. There's a skull face on this one," Wasabi forces a laugh at the sign before aggressively continuing. "A skull face!"

"That's nice, now please shh!" (Y/N) replies, waving her hand as Wasabi sighs.

"Be ready," Hiro urges as they approach a large metal door leading inside. "He could be anywhere."

A twig snapping makes the group scream, (Y/N) simply jumping in alarm as they start using their power. Honey blindly throws chemical compounds while Go Go hurls her discs, Wasabi swinging his blades around and Fred breathing fire.

"Spitting fire, spitting fire!"

(Y/N) slowly peers around Hiro as the group stop, a pigeon standing in the center of the charred street. It coos and tilts its head before flying off, (Y/N) muffling a laugh behind her hand.

"... That would be a bird, guys," she giggles, Go Go catching her disc as it flies back at her.

"W-Well, at least we know our gear works," Honey sheepishly replies, gripping her chemical compound ball.

Wasabi starts slicing through the locked metal door, his circle a little wonky. He doesn't connect the ends, making him backtrack to try again. He groans in annoyance as he misses it again, simply slicing through hastily as the door collapses with a boom.

A long, dark corridor was revealed, and the group head inside.


"Seven intrepid friends led by Fred," Fred sings to himself as they walk, (Y/N) sighing and ignoring him. "Their leader, Fred! Fred's Angels, hm-hm-hm, Fred's Angels hm-hm-hm..."

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