The Chase

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Third Person P.O.V

"Come on," Hiro whispers as he opens the garage door.

(Y/N) rushes after him, Baymax waddling quickly after her with his arms outstretched from the uncomfortable armor.

"I'm surprised there's not more people out," (Y/N) mentions as they rush down a vacant street lit up by neon signs.

Hiro looks around uneasily, the three continuing and not noticing a van stopping when it spots them.

The three duck into a smaller alley, the car following slowly.


"And there it is, in all its creepy glory," (Y/N) sarcastically jokes as they approach the warehouse.

Hiro snickers under his breath and rolls his eyes, lightly shoving Baymax ahead of the two as they move closer to the building.


Baymax powers up, and swiftly kicks the front door down.

"Get him, Baymax!" Hiro shouts, pointing inside.

(Y/N) peeks around Baymax, the warehouse now completely empty. Hiro groans, rubbing his neck.

"We're too late."

"How did he move everything out so fast?" (Y/N) questions, looking over to Hiro as he takes out the petri dish.

The Micro Bot inside frantically slams against the side of the glass, Baymax tilting his head.

"Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere."

"This way," Hiro calls as he jogs the direction, waiting for (Y/N) to catch up.

"The shipping area," (Y/N) points out, looking around at the containers in concern. "He could be hiding anywhere."

Baymax squeaks as he jog-waddles after Hiro and (Y/N), Hiro stopping at the edge of the dock with a frown.

(Y/N) looks around, not noticing Hiro had stopped, and yelps as Hiro quickly grabs her arm to stop her.

"Whoa!" she gasps, Hiro yelling in alarm as the two nearly fall into the waters.

Baymax grabs the back of Hiro's hood, pulling him and (Y/N) back to the safety of land.

"Always wait one hour after eating before swimming," he warns.

(Y/N) sighs in amusement, shaking her head with a small chuckle as Hiro frowns and looks to the Micro Bot. It flails against the glass, the lid popping open and the bot flying out.


Hiro shouts, the bot flying into the mist. (Y/N) looks out, squinting to see before her eyes widen.

"Uh, Hiro?"

He had noticed the man as well, and quickly grabs her hand. "Come on!"

Hiro urges, tugging her along behind some containers. Baymax follows, the three peeking out at the Kabuki man on a mountain of Micro Bots.

Kabuki looks around, waves of water splashing onto the docks as he climbs up it with his bots. After a moment he lifts half of a machine from the water, a bird symbol on the side.

(Y/N) ducks back into Hiro, making him subconsciously put a hand around her as he continues watching Kabuki with narrowed eyes.

Baymax looks between them, blinking slowly. "Your heart rates are increasing greatly--"

"Shh!" Hiro quickly shushes, looking down at (Y/N) in surprise and quickly moving his arm. "Ah, Baymax, time to use those upgrades."

"On Kabuki man, or them?" (Y/N) calls nervously, Hiro gasping as a van pulls up to them with blinding headlights.

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