Satisfied With Your Care

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Third Person P.O.V

The portal crashes heavily with the remaining Micro Bots, the group below frantically helping those leftover to get out of range.

They block their faces as debris scatters, a large dust cloud covering them for a moment before it clears and reveals the portal still active.

Baymax slowly swoops down, dropping Callaghan as he groans. (Y/N) climbs off of Baymax, Hiro also jumping down before turning to the portal.

"It's still on!" Hiro shakes his head, tugging (Y/N)'s arm lightly further away from the portal. "We have to shut it down!"

"We can't," Krei quickly shouts, looking to the portal. "The containment field is failing. The portal is gonna tear itself apart!"

"Then we should leave, now!" (Y/N) calls, the group nodding.

They start to run, (Y/N) slowing as she looks back at Baymax. Hiro halts as well, blinking rapidly as he turns.

"Baymax!" he shouts over the portal, jogging to him.

"... My sensor is detecting signs of life," Baymax tilts his head, staring into the portal.

"What?" (Y/N) breathes out in disbelief.

"Coming from there," Baymax points to the portal, scanning. "The life signs are female. She appears to be in hyper-sleep."

"His daughter's alive?" (Y/N) and Hiro glance at each other, Callaghan looking back with wide eyes.


Hiro quickly rushes to Baymax and climbs on, grinning to (Y/N) with confidence as he helps her on as well.

"Let's go get her."

"The portal is destabilizing," Krei protests, looking between the two. "This is what (F/N) warned me about, (Y/N)! You'll never make it!"

(Y/N) frowns lightly before she shakes her head, forcing a smile towards him. "My father would want us to do whatever we could to save Abigail."

Hiro nods in agreement, looking back. "She's alive in there. Someone has to help."

(Y/N) felt her heart squeeze at the familiar words, and hoped the outcome wouldn't be the same.

"We got this," she whispers to herself, Hiro adjusting his grip on Baymax. "What do you say, buddy?"

Baymax turns his head to look at Hiro and (Y/N), "flying makes me a better healthcare companion."

His wings sprout as he powers up, flying into the air and spiraling back around and diving into the portal.


Hiro slowly peeks an eye open, removing his arm from around (Y/N) as he looks around.

Inside, purple and pink shapes swirled in the air, moving in a smooth motion. Time was altered, speeding up and slowing down in different areas.

"This is... Not what I expected," (Y/N) admits, blinking rapidly as Baymax continues flying.

"Careful," Hiro warns Baymax, noticing the debris. "There's Krei Tech debris everywhere."

"Uh-oh. Baymax!" (Y/N) yells, making him swiftly spin as a large window flies at them.

Baymax dives under another large section of the building, moving side-to-side to avoid other debris while (Y/N) and Hiro duck. He closes his wings swiftly to fly through a small space, reopening them a moment later before scanning around.

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