Chapter One

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Four Months Earlier

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Four Months Earlier...


The atmosphere is tense in the yard of our estate. I can sense my siblings' subtle confusion; almost hear the unspoken question on their lips as they cast brief glances my way -- why is she hunting with us?

I understand their confusion, seeing as I don't often participate in hunts. When I have, it's always ended with me being left behind or, in severe cases, a trip to the infirmary. However, what they don't see are the glances Mother and Father shoot my way, their eyes ablaze with expectation. They don't have to tell me, because I already know what this is; a test. A test of my worthiness, of the right to call myself an Agnarys. If I fail this hunt, I will not just be failing myself, but them as well.

My parents will be watching today, and I cannot let them down.

"Don't go too hard, Naomi. Just do your best," Jade says. I look into her dark green eyes, glittering with guarded concern. One year my senior, Jade has always been my nicest sister, but even her words of encouragement can become patronizing at times. "If you start to get palpitations, make sure to stop. No one is expecting much of you, so no need to go all out."

I smile at her double-edged words. I don't think she means to do it. "I will," I say.

I won't. How can I, when this is a test of my eligibility? A test of my worth?

I look towards my father and mother, the former talking to one of my brothers as the latter hovers at the edge, observing her children. I am the fourth in a line of six -- sandwiched between two older sisters, one older brother, and two younger brothers.

For a few moments, I observe them. To my siblings, this is just a game, another activity to pass the time. For me, however, this is a test of my strength. If I fail this, how can I ever call myself a werewolf?

You will not fail this, I tell myself. Still, I reserve my doubts as my siblings transform around me, one by one, into their wolves. The sound of fabric ripping fills the air as supple lupine bodies replace human ones, all packed with powerful muscle and lethal grace. All of them share the same colouring - tanned skin, dark eyes, brown hair, brown fur... all part with the Agnarys look. We are one of five Noble bloodlines and, just like every other bloodline, keep a unique appearance. With Agnarys being the house of fire, my family certainly looks to the part with their dark features and warm tones.

Staring at my blank arms, I watch as pale fur replaces pale skin. I am the glaring exception.

"You have a hell of a lot of faith in yourself," someone sneers. I turn, feeling myself physically tense as I meet the chestnut gaze of my eldest sister. She stands above me, hands on her hips, smirking down at my wolfish form. "Quit while you're ahead. You won't make it past the damned tree line."

"Knock it off, Althea," Jade says, though I can tell she's not really paying attention. Her eyes are locked on Mother's, and I sense a silent exchange passing between them. It's not uncommon that my siblings look at Mother that way. She always expects the best from us, and she never fails to make it known. Well, maybe not so much from me...

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