Chapter 36

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When I wake, the sky is dark and the stars are winking down at us like joyful little bastards. Our carriage has pulled to a stop, and we no longer sit among the tall grass. Flat lands go on for as far as my eyes can see, dotted with roaring fires that swirl up towards the sky. Silhouettes move amongst them, all talking in loud voices and swigging skins full of mead. This is where the travel party have decided to settle down for the night.

I turn to my left and release a sigh of relief when I find Kohl resting there. As though sensing my stare, he cracks open his eyes, the pupils widening for a split-second before he remembers where he is, who he's with. His gaze settles on me.

"How are you feeling?" he whispers, squeezing my hand. I hadn't even realised he'd still been holding my hand this whole time. It makes my chest constrict with a strange kind of ache.

"I've been better," I say, and Kohl cracks a hopeless smile at that. But then that smile falls and he squeezes my hand harder. I squeeze back, looking out towards the plains.

As I wait for my eyes to adjust, I focus on the fire glowing nearest to us, though even that quite a distance away. It's as though me and Kohl are carrying some sort of disease, and with the way people are cutting wary glances our way, I wouldn't be surprised if we were. And among the onlookers, I recognise my sisters, both of them sitting on a log before a fire.

They just... stare.

Movement to my left draws my attention, and I look to find a familiar figure approaching. She doesn't seem to care about the eyes that are on her, even as she comes towards the cage. Then again, I've never really pinned Kairi as one to care of what other people think.

When she's close enough, she speaks. "I got Macy to a safe place. Rest assured; the king will not find her."

I release a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Kairi."

"Don't thank me yet. I still need to find a way to break you out of this," she adds in a low voice, motioning to the cage. I glance to Kohl, debating how much I should say in front of him. Then I look to the thick lock on my cage. I turn back to Kairi.

"Can you... you know... use your thing to jimmy the lock?"

Kohl tosses me a quizzical look, but I pointedly ignore it as I keep my focus on Kairi. Her blonde brows crease in a frown.

"I already tried, back when you were knocked out. But I don't have enough control of my power to pull it off. These locks are far too complicated, unfortunately."

I grimace. "Do you know who has the key?"

"The king," Kairi replies, and I resist the urge to punch the iron. Of course he fucking has it. Who else? "He keeps it on him at all times," she continues. "I could try swipe it when he's not looking, though I don't know where on him its connected to."

I'm shaking my head before she even finishes. "No, Kairi, don't endanger yourself like that. I don't want to cause any more collateral damage. Just... just keep an eye out for any potential opportunities we may have, alright? But don't endanger yourself for our escape."

Kairi doesn't seem pleased with that, but she nods anyway. I can tell by the look in her eyes that she's going to break that vow anyway and damn her stubborn ass for it. Then again, I can't entirely blame her, because I'd probably do the same.

Another figure approaches, and Kairi bows her head before disappearing into the night. Kohl tenses beside me, and I know who it is before I even look into their green eyes.

"Jade," I say, my voice surprisingly even. A sudden wave of jealousy splits my chest as I remember this was the woman Kohl was going to marry. This was the girl who was going to have his kids and rule by his side. I'm not sure how I keep all the bitterness that comes with that thought off of my face, but I manage.

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