Chapter 23

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I wake in an unfamiliar bed.

For a moment, I panic, casting frantic glances around the unfamiliar room. Then it slowly comes back to me, the events of last night – the kiss with Kohl, the breakup with Alex, the talk with the queen, and finally the upturned state of my room. The emotions all come rushing at me like a tidal wave, slamming my chest and stealing the air from my lungs.

I jump out of the bed, rearranging the beige covers that match the brown wallpaper of the room. I was given this bedroom last night, after I'd alerted a few guards to the break-in. They'd instantly deployed an investigation unit and I was escorted to this room instead. It's a spare bedroom located off to the west wing of the palace, and judging by the dust coating every surface there is, I can only guess it hasn't been used in a while. Well, barring my one-night stay, of course.

I adjust my shirt – still rumpled from the events of last night – and head to the door and twist the knob. I step out into the palace halls, ignoring the odd looks I receive from the palace folk as I turn and make my way to my normal quarters. I must look like shit, and I'm willing to bed my hair looks like a crow's nest, but I find I can't bring myself to care. The events of last night still swirl in my head, most prominently the kiss with Kohl and my break up with Alex. My gut flutters when I recall, then twists uncomfortably when I remember the resulting hurt on Alex's face. Damnit, what is wrong with me?

As I walk along the many halls, my mind drifts to other matters. I'm not stupid – I know the break-in wasn't an isolated incident. I know it's related to the attacks and the suspicious activity of the king, but I just don't know how. What had the perpetrator been looking for? Better yet, who was the perp? And to think all my room keys are out floating somewhere now...

I shudder. I'd have to ask Kohl for a new lock.

As I turn the corner to my room, I pull up short as I spy what lays ahead. Several guards are moving in and out the door of my room, all of them pausing to speak with a man dressed in black. Kohl, I realise with an uneven thump of my heart. He looks positively gorgeous in the morning light that filters through the tinted windows. His midnight-black hair is ruffled as though he just rolled out of bed – or maybe that was the doing of my hands last night. Heat races down my core, and on impulse, I turn away, praying he hasn't spotted me.

It's not fast enough, though. "Naomi!"

I stiffen, wincing as I listen to his footsteps approach. Part of me doesn't want to face him, not now. The events of last night are still too raw, and as he nears, I fear the emotions will show on my face.

At the last second, I take a break and whirl around. I can't run away from my problems forever. I have no face them.

He stops several feet away, a strange emotion flashing through his golden eyes as they sweep over me. His face is lined with concern, yet that tension in his face seems to fade the longer he looks me over. I wonder if I look as ruffled as he does. Probably.

"Hi," I begin, unsure of what else to say to break the awkward silence.

"Are you alright? Did you sleep well?"

I hesitate, then nod. It's a lie, of course, but if Kohl sees past it, he doesn't press me.

Several moments of silence stretch between us, and I suddenly recall the racing heat of his hands on my body. I frantically search for something to say. "Did they find anything?"

Kohl looks at me for a moment, as though searching for a reaction, then shakes his head. "No, nothing really. Aside from the keys you mentioned and the fact that this obviously wasn't forced entry, we have no other leads. Do you know who else has a copy of those keys?"

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