Chapter 28(a)

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The weeks went by in a flash. They're a blur of sneaking around, stealing kisses when no one is watching, and whispering promises while in the throes of passion. And when we are not making love, we are scheming. Kohl began his rigorous training in preparation for challenging his father, alongside plotting with his Inner Circle. So far, slipping poison into his tea seems to be the most viable option, but nothing is concrete yet. Theoretically, Kohl can take as long as he desires before choosing a wife. Hell, he could drag the Queenstrials on for years if he wished. The only issue, of course, is his father. The man is getting more restless with everyday Kohl stalls in choosing a wife, but he is confident we have a few months until the king snaps. I think we have less than that.

I lift myself out of my bed -- in my own room for once. My body aches, and my palms tingle with the memory of last night. Whenever I am alone, I find time to practice my flames. So far, I've been able to hone my flames into basic shapes, but that's as far as I can go in the confines of a room. What I really need is an open space so I can explore the extent of my power, but the problem is finding one.

I pad to the ensuite and freshen up. When I step out, I put on a lacy white day dress and put my hair into a pale braid. I glance in the mirror and smile. My eyes are looking more purple nowadays, sparkling like amethysts in a rock. I wonder if it has something to do with Kohl.

My mind snags on the prince. We have certainly grown closer lately. Though we breeched the line of "friends" a while ago, it feels like we've been crossing a sort of no man's land, and now we are beginning to enter a new territory. One that makes my heart race and my stomach flutter. I don't really know the extent of my emotions towards Kohl, but what I do know is that they are certainly not just lust. More and more, I feel enchanted by him, and with every passing day I grow to adore him a bit more. Though Gahndors can't mate, I feel that Kohl would be my mate if they could. It just feels right.

With a yawn, I go out into the halls and make my way towards the dining room. When I enter, the tables are stacked with meats and eggs and dairy like always, and I take my usual spot besides Macy. She sends me a warm smile as she tucks into her scrambled eggs and toast. I grab a ladle and begin to load my plate as well, my eyes going to the front of the room on instinct.

The five girls of the Queenstrial all sit around the head table, sporting flowy dresses and glassy jewels. Althea is engaged in tense conversation with a Lunous girl, and Kairi looks to be keeping to herself as always. My eyes go to Kohl – who is seated next to his father – and our eyes lock for a moment. He sends me the most inconspicuous grin before turning away. To my dismay, it is far too risky to be sending doe-eyes out here in the open.

I feel someone drilling a hole into my forehead with their eyes, and I shift my gaze to find King Galen staring right back at me. Black stubble lines his jaw, his gold eyes cold and hateful as they regard me. I quickly turn away. I note that Alex isn't here.

I turn to my plate of scrambled eggs on toast and begin to tuck in. As I do, Macy tells me stories of her time in the kitchens. Apparently, they moved her off pot duties after burning herself with boiling water several more times. Now, she was chopping up food, which seemed to be going well for her.

Just as Macy is about to launch into another story of her workplace, King Galen rises with a screech of his throne-chair, and a hush falls over the hall. Everyone is staring at him, waiting. He clears his throat.

"It has come to my attention that there has been some unwarranted... promiscuous behaviour lately."

His eyes dart to me in the most subtle of movements. My mouth goes bone dry. The king carries on. "I have received word that certain... women have been making unsavoury sexual advances on my son. Women who are not partaking in the Queenstrial..."

Hushed murmurs rise up all around me. My hands start to shake. I look to Kohl, but his eyes are locked on his father, barely concealed horror within them.

"Alas, this is treason to the crown. Any female not part of the official competition caught making sordid advances on my son – sexual or not – will face the crown. The punishment for such an act includes a slow, excruciating death in which you will be stripped of every last piece of your dignity in the process. My son does not appreciate such unsolicited attention, and so, you will all heed this warning if you wish to keep your throat intact."

The chattering around me grows wilder and louder. As the king sits, his eyes are locked on me, and I can feel the colour physically drain from my face. He smirks. I stare back in unabashed horror. How could he have known about us? Who told him?

My eyes shift to Althea, and the smug look on her face tells me everything I need to know. I feel my blood physically boil in my veins. It was her. She told him. She must have.

My fists tighten in my lap, but I am too horrified to feel the full force of my anger yet. Instead, I look to Kohl, who is staring helplessly back at me. I can see the cogs slowly working behind his eyes, and my heart drops. He cannot seriously be reconsidering our relationship, can he?

I glance back to Althea, feeling like I might throw up. She's still staring at me, but inside that smug expression is a glimmer of concern. One I don't quite understand, though.

"Oh my god, did Kohl tell you about any of this?" Macy asks, and I whirl to her. I realise I must look pale as a sheet, and I try to banish the shakes in my hands but to no avail.

"No," I say, though my voice doesn't even sound like my own. I swallow thickly as the conversations bubbling around us meet my ears. Traitor, whore, and slut are some of the many hot words traded among them, and a hundred pairs of eyes are darting around the room, trying to pin the culprit.

After several minutes of the buzzing clamour, I raise from my seat. "I am not feeling well. Pardon me," I explain to the people around me, but I keep my eyes on my feet. As quickly as I can without drawing attention, I turn and dart from the dining hall. No one notices my departure.

No one could have ever guessed it was me who seduced their prince.

Continue Chapter Twenty Eight >>>>>>

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