Chapter 24

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As I sit at the long table in the dining hall with Macy, happy chatter and the clang of cutlery sounding around us, I reflect on my argument with Kohl for the thousandth time. Several days have passed since it happened, but it had only taken an hour for me to calm down and regret everything I'd said and done.

Emphasis on done, because rule one of survival is to never punch your future king. Obviously. But I guess the rulebook of survival had come second to my desperation when I'd struck him. That was my biggest regret. Sure, being emotional and slinging insults at him had been one kind of wrong, but hitting him? I mean, couldn't I really have just found a different way to silence him?

I sigh towards my soup, steaming in a wooden bowl. I stare at my reflection in the wooden spoon, my skin pale and my eyes redder today. I barely recognise who I am anymore. I used to have such good control of my emotions, so why am I so unravelled around dark, unavailable princes?

I glance up from my reflection, my eyes trekking up to the table at the front. It's odd to see only five of the girls sitting at the long table, but it's been that way for a while now. And will remain that way until Kohl selects his wife, I think with a twinge of hurt. The prince can take as long as he wants to decide, but knowing how dedicated Kohl is to his position, I wouldn't be surprised if it were any day now.

The royals all sit before them – King Galen, Queen Selene, and Kohl. My gaze snags on him in an instant. We haven't talked since the argument, nor has he looked my way all that much. When he has, his gaze has always been filled with anger, pain, and sometimes even regret. I feel those same emotions echo in my own bones when I see them, and I sometimes wonder if they are reflected on my face. Probably.

Now, however, he looks content. I watch as he exchanges a few words with my sister, Jade, and feel a twinge of guilt. I had no right to expect that kiss meant anything to him. I seem to forget he is the future king of Raelia, and he has duties to fulfil. Such as finding a wife. And I'm not part of that roster.

My chest constricts, and I rip my gaze away from the prince and let them wander along the halls. They stop on a blonde man, his green eyes trained on me. My throat tightens as Alex glares daggers at me, and I quickly turn back to my soup, cheeks flaming. Shame floods me entirely and my skin prickles with an awful heat.

"You alright, Naomi?" Macy asks. I turn to her, smiling sadly. Out of all this, only Macy has been the only one to remain loyally by my side. And though Kohl has his suspicions, I would be damned to suspect her of anything. She's my best friend.

"I'm alright. Just... boy things."

She glances over my shoulder and frowns. "Yeah, Alex looks pretty upset. He broke up with you though, right?"

"Yeah," I say, though I instantly feel guilty. I've withheld the entire truth from Macy, which makes me feel like a horrible friend, but I also have loyalty to Kohl and I know he wouldn't appreciate me mouthing off about that kiss.

Macy looks at him for a few more moments then shrugs. "His loss. You're a damn catch. Hell, I'd date you if I was a guy."

I snort at that remark. "I'm not sure, Macy. I was in the wrong too," I hedge.

Macy waves me away. "Nonsense. You're never wrong. And if you are, then well... I guess I'm wrong too."

I smile at her as she laughs, but something golden in my peripheral demands my attention and I turn to find Kohl staring right at us. Well, more specifically, glaring at Macy. He pins her with that look for several long seconds and I frown. Then, his eyes shift to me, and the glare softens to something that hints pain.

I quickly excuse myself, muttering a promise to visit Macy later before departing from the dining hall. I have to fix this. And I have the feeling I know exactly how.

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