sweetest lullaby

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here comes another bus i just lost. hectic life always gets on my nerves. like why cant school start at 9?

would it be a crime to sleep one more hour?

staring at the watch i realize i am gonna be late... on my first day. exactly like last year, and the year before that... and of course the year before these years.

okay, i need to start getting used to waking up early. i bet i look like a zombie at this point.

at the bus station, i decided to peek to the rest of the people around. only some of my school, meaning i wont be the only one that gets detention today.

thats when i was totally startled when a random person clings their arms around me. "Sarang!" that voice of course belonged to Nayeon.

nayeon is my dear friend.

we came close because we both love the same thing - the drama club!

to be more specific we both participated on some school musicals or plays the drama club had produced before.

"you are waiting for the next bus again?!" she smiles.

"its not like you are any different!" with a gentle grin our eyes finally meet another bus. "oh here it is!"

"guess who is gonna be late..." i sing and we both approached the short stairway when the doors fell open. for my surprise some people cut in line and get in front of us.

i chose to let them, holding nayeon's wrist just so we can both cut in line too. as soon as we entered, nayeon playfully got in front and found a seat in the back of the bus leaving me behind to stand.

she even got her tongue out as a tease.

i gasped at this enormous audacity. anyway, i mean i also spotted a seat to my right, so i proceeded with the thought to actually sit.

i guess it was not my lucky day. someone literally pushed me, passed by me and sat on the seat i just targeted in my head.

how dare they, taking the seat i was thinking about?!

it took me a few seconds to undrestand what just happened until my eyes locked with that boy, i also happened to see on the bus stop a while ago.

do you all have that one (sorta) friend you grew up with, but while growing up you also kinda fell out of touch? yes, thats him.

thats boo seungkwan.

and he smiled at the trick he just pulled at me. i guess he found it funny. i know it wasnt entirely on purpose, maybe thats why he is laughing.

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