chapter 12

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It was the next day and all of the interns were in the conference room. Today we would be switching attendings and fields.

We each got assigned new preceptors, and went to them. I got assigned Dr. Luke Hemmings. I was really sad I wasn't under Dr. Hood's service. I had grown to feel comfortable with him.

When we got dismissed, we all went to the respective wings in the hospital. I was still with Arianna and Kara, but I would try to make the best out of it.

"Good Morning everyone, I'm Dr. Hemmings, but you can call me Luke. I'm the chief of cardiology. While with me, you're going to be learning all about the heart and it's respective systems. Similar to before, you'll be split up between myself and the residents." he told us with a big smile.

"Today Arianna is going to shadow me. Kara, you can go with Nino. Safiya, you can go with Alex. Today, you will just observe and shadow to see how everything's done in cardiology. Feel free to take notes or just watch closely. Have fun guys" he said and he walked out, with Arianna close on his heels.

I was so nervous. I finally got comfortable and boom, change happened. I made my way to Alex who was standing by the door. He was a 6'2" tall guy with broad shoulders and a skinny build. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes. I slowly walked up to him and looked up.

"Hello, I'm Safiya" I said and held my hand out to introduce myself.

He looked down at my hand in disgust and rolled his eyes.

"Alex" he said gruffly as he leaned against the door and studied me.

I slowly retracted my hand and nodded. "N-nice to meet you". I said softly. I was really nervous now. Of course I get stuck with the asshole.

"Follow me and keep up. I'm not going to wait for you" he barked out as he basically sped walked through the hallway.

I practically had to run because his walking was equivalent to my running.

We soon ended up in an office like setting with a ton of computers.

"Sit and don't talk. I'm going to read some scans." He said abruptly as he sat down and logged onto the computer.

The next hour was spent in silence. It consisted of my looking at the computer and trying to understand what I saw, while he studied them. I tried to ask a few questions, but they were immediately shut down.

I've never felt more uncomfortable in my life. I hated this so much. I felt so stiff (physically and mentally) and I wasn't learning.

I checked my dexcom app and saw my sugar was low. Probably due to the lack of carbs I've had today since my Alex didn't want to go to the break room once.

I sighed. "I think I'm going to go to the break room to get a snack. Can you tell me how to get there?" I asked him kindly but softly.

He turned his head to me. If his look could burn, I'd be toast by now. "Do I look like a directory guide?" He asked me annoyed and turned back to the computer. "That's why there's signs. Use them." He said not looking at me.

How rude.

"It's fine, I'll just figure it out myself" I told him. I started to feel super lightheaded again. As soon as I got up, I immediately grabbed the desk to balance myself.

He looked to me. "What the hell is your problem" he asked me, still annoyed.

"I- I feel super light headed." I told him breathily.

He shook his head and got up. He walked over to me and stood in front of me and guided me to sit back down on the chair. He kneeled before me and we made eye contact.

"You're extremely pale, are you okay"? He asked me in a gentler tone.

"I think my sugar is low" I told him.

"You're Diabetic!?" He almost yelled.

I nodded. "Shit" he muttered

He left and came back with a small container of juice. "Here drink this." He said and he handed it to me. I took small sips and slowly started to feel better.

"I'm good now, thank you" I said, grateful

"Good, now I can get back to work." And he immediately started reviewing scans again.


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