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Why do I feel like someone is watching me? I blinked a few times before opening my eyes.

Ya i should have pretended dead.

I was sleeping on THEODORE FUCKING NOTT and the entire common room was staring at us, grinning.

Oh, this is so embarrassing.

" Had a good sleep, Potter? " Adrian grinned

" Yup, wanna join " I tried to hide my embarrassment shifting a little to make space.

Pansy was about to sit there when Draco pushed her, crawling inside the blanket.

" That's my place, back off "

" You say as if you own them "

" One's family, other forced himself into my family. Technically, i do own them " Draco argued back.

Drawing out from the petty fight, I snuggled in and fell asleep again.

" Why are you in ancient runes again? " An irritated Draco turned to Theo who was drawing on the desk.

" Well, I didn't want to be alone " he shrugged

" You could have gone for Divnaition like Blaise and Pansy "

" Oh shut up! " I yelled at them. These two idiots were becoming more annoying by passing days.

I spent the entire summer thinking of the subjects I could choose and honestly, I had no clue. Divination was easy marks but it was also useless and I really wanted to discover the world of runes.

If I wanted to perform ridiculously complex spells and ancient magic, it would be a good choice to know about runes.

Getting out of the class, we came across the bickering golden trio. Well Ron and Hermione to be specific.

I always thought their bickering was funny when reading. Let me tell you that it's not, it is annoying

Why is everyone just bickering nowadays?

"You don't think any of that grim stuff has to do with Sirius Black, do you?" Ron questioned as we were heading to Hagrid's class.

"If you ask me, Divination's a very wooly discipline. Now Ancient Runes. That's a Fascinating subject." Hermione said

"Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking this term?" Ron questioned.

"A Fair Few." Hermione replied.

"Hang on. Ancient Runes is the same time as Divination. You'd have to be in two classes at once."

"Don't be silly, Ron. How could someone be in two places at once?" Hermione giggled.

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