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Have you ever had a timetable that you followed so religiously that even after your circumstances change, you still can't get rid of the habit?

That's exactly what was happening to Theodore.

His eyes were trained on the rain dripping on his window. The howls of the wind that filled the ghost-like room, with the occasional thunder lightning up the room.

He laid on his bed, hearing the faint heartbeats thumping from the ring he was wearing.

He was so carried out while handling Camelia her gift, he totally forgot to tell her that her bracelet would allow him to hear to her heartbeat.

His humorless laugh echoed the room as he stared at the grandlock on the room


How he used to get up early to steal a piece of bread and few jars filled with water, before his father woke up.

Even now and then, he'd have a panic attack while sleeping.

Because, he wasn't used to sleeping so peacefully through the night.

That drunk father of his would just bathe into his room and drag him by his hair.

And torture him to his heart's content

' Pathetic ' Theo huffed in annoyance

Lifting himself off the bed, Theo walked around the halls of the Malfoy manor. Occasionally touching a few antics that interested him.

Which were quite a few

He liked how these pieces of stone and wood could say so much, without even using words.

And that's what he loved about paintings. You don't need any stupid words etched to the sides to explain what's going on.

Perhaps, he loved them because that's what he craves.

For someons to understand him, like he understands paintings.

But then, he also loves Camelia

and, he prays that she doesn't

To Theo, Camelia is everything he could never be.

Kind, playful, loving and charming

And he?

He's needy, no social skills, zero self-confidence

And the list goes on.

To him, his Camelia deserves a lot better than a depressed arse.

And to top it up, he doesn't even have a financial base to support her.

Afterall, he is disowned with no last name or identity.

Breaking free from his thoughts, Theo noticed Draco waiting for him in front of the Library.

Something he picked up on since he found out that Theo had problems sleeping and could never sleep past four.

Draco had seen Theo sleep peacefully only once or twice, and it was always when Camelia was in his arms.

She was like his personal ' safe space ' that maybe Theo, himself didn't realise.

" Up again? " Draco said in his usual snobby voice. But, Theo knew that it was just his way of showing he cares, without actually trying to show it.

" Yup, the thunder kept me awake "

" Hm, will you be practicing legilemency again? "

" Yes " Theo put a stop to the conversation and went to a specific section in the library

' occlumency and Legilimency '

Theo had noticed Lia losing Control of her magic a lot the past year and wanted to help her.

He knew looking inside her head wouldn't be the brightest idea and that she might even stupify him to the next century, but he needed to know what was troubling her to know how to help her.

Even more so when, she was the most secretive in the trio.

While she was also the most sociable, Draco and Theo both had realised quite early that the female Potter had a lots of secrets.

Secrets that she'd never share unless they had a large part of it digged out.

And to Theo's surprise while learning Legilimency.

Camelia had been using legilemency the whole year, on every single person.

Not only that, she has been extending her shields, trapping people in them to even manipulate how they feel.

How she came to do it? He didn't know

But he was damn impressed that she managed to do it in their third year.

Theo had a inkling as to what she might had been upto when she didn't even act surprised to him breaking down on the boggarts lesson.

How else could he explain him suddenly calming down, all the anxiety and panic attacks just crashing on to him and retreating back like a wave.

Perhaps, Camelia didn't understand that her magic leaves behind their own song.

Or, it was a tune only he could recognise. Because the only time he has felt his magic going hay-wire, is always when it feels the presence of a certain red- no, colour changing hairs and eyes.

" Are you thinking about her again? "

" Yes " " do you think she likes me back? " Theo's voice had a desperate tone.

" I would like to believe so "

" Why? I'm pathetic"

" Yes, you are. Do you know what makes you more pathetic? Constantly reminding yourself and others that you are pathetic" Draco sneered at him

" You need to stop lying to yourself and for once look at the situation as a third person. You'll know exactly what is wrong with you. " He continued

" I know what is wrong with myself. I know that I dont deserve her " He put his palm in front of Draco to stop him from interrupting

" I flinch at every small noise, try to make myself small so that people don't notice me. I am agressive and barely understand what intimate emotions are. This version of me really doesn't deserve her, I want to Change for myself, so that I can feel good about myself. If I don't want myself, how can I literally want anyone to want me? That's selfish " He chocked on his word

Draco stared at his best mate, he really understood his perspective but he also knew that Camelia would accept him with open arms. Give him all the support and love he needs to change himself, and it's only him who needs to under that.

Because even if Camelia denied it, she would always look at Theo differently from any of her constantly changing crushes.

" Take your take time, mate. But not too much, because if you don't reciprocate her feelings; and if she likes you back, she might misunderstand and try to get over you " Draco sighed in defeat and turned to walk out of the Library

Leaving the boy behind, frowned in his thoughts

He knows that Draco is obviously right. But, he does not know how to show his love and he's scared that his incompetency to show emotions wouldn't make Lia hate him.

A/n - didn't expect his pov?

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