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That's what everything around me was.

A dark and nothingness permeated my surroundings, a pitch-black void stretching on in all directions. I reached out my hands, trying in vain to gain a grasp of the nothingness around me. Despite all my efforts, I remained enveloped in the eerie and all-encompassing darkness, with no sense of direction or escape. It felt suffocating, like an endless black void that would never let me see light again. It made me feel hopeless, like I was trapped in an impenetrable darkness, forever alone with my fears and anxieties.

I tried walking around but, I couldn't really tell if I was moving at all. I knew this was a dream but - what the heck kind of a dream is this?

Suddenly the darkness began to part and crumble away with a sharp and deafening crack, revealing several luminous windows hovering at odd angles all around. The various colours and glows flickered and shifted restlessly, the surfaces and the edges of the windows moving and changing with each passing moment. The brightness and the movement of the windows were overwhelming and disorienting, and my eyes burned from trying to adjust to the sudden light.

I walked towards the only window that wasn't flying above my reach and placed my ears against it.

My sweet Camelia, My darling daughter.

And before I could hear anything else, I felt something cold devour my senses and woke up gasping. My senses were overwhelmed by the strange and unsettling environment. I heard snippets of muffled conversation drift in and out, echoing off the walls and reverberating in my head. The faint smell of strawberries and lemon tickled my nose.

A chill ran down my spine, making me shiver. And I opened my eyes, my vision was initially blurry, but slowly the figures gathered around me were visible, all staring at me with concerned expressions and quizzical looks.

" what the fuck? " I pulled on my now wet shirt, staring unbelievably at the ladies in front of me

" oh, don't give me that look " Astoria glared " I've been trying to wake you up for an hour now " she twirled her wand, vanishing the bucket that was floating mid-air

" you seemed to be in a deep slumber. Or was it a dream? " Luna hummed from the other side of the room, playing with sky - who seemed to thoroughly enjoy the attention showered on her

"Wanna talk about it? " Pansy spoke, her soft voice vibrated on my ear and I felt all the hair in my body stand.

This tone. It was so similar to the one in my dream - just it was masculine. It was James Potter's

" I don't know how to explain it " I sighed, waving my hand and drying my wet shirt and hair. " It was so weird "

" You don't have to tell anything, you aren't aware of what happened yourself " Luna giggled braiding my hair with a some kind of a cork chain.

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