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Today is the first day of Hogsmeade but Me and my dear friends decided to stay back and do something actually productive.

Honestly, we have snuck out to Hogsmeade so many times already, it has gotten rather boring.

So today we decided to learn how to cast the Patronus charm.

We have been practicing for the past two weeks but have not been able to produce anything more than a big dome of light

That too when casted together

When we try to cast it alone, it's nothing more than a faint streaks of light.

Even a sparkler cracker would be more bright than my patronus.

" Are you positive this is how a Patronus is casted " Draco sneered sipping his tea

For someone who tries to be a perfectionist and score amazing marks in every test, not being able to cast the charm has been a knife to his ego.

But perhaps this was necessary, Draco needs to know he doesn't have to be absolutely perfect in everything he does.

" We have checked hundreds of books from the library, all of them suggest the same steps " Theo calmly responded not even looking up from his sketch. Occasionally sipping on his boba milk.

" The problem is our memories, they aren't happy enough. And I don't know how much more happy we've got to make it " I added sipping my Caramel and cookies latte.

Honestly props to us for sneaking in the kitchen early to make our drinks.

" I have one, maybe that'll work " Theo said looking up from his sketch

" I have thought of one too "

I have too. I pestered Sirius and Remus to tell me about my time as babies. Even went as far to look into their heads.

That's when I found the perfect memory. It was the same one in both Remus and Sirius, just different perspectives. I decided to think of it from my perspective and use it.

" Come on then " Draco said taking his wand out to go first.

" EXPECTO PATRONUM "  he yelled after a lot of concentration. The tip of his wand glowed as thin stands of silver knitted themselves in the air, revealing a majestic peacock standing in it's all glory.

Draco looked like he wanted to cry out of happiness when he opened his eyes, he should be really proud of himself. Patronuses are not easy to cast. And she could say that with experience.

The peacock symbolizes beauty, masculinity, glamour, luxury, protection, pride, versatility, renewal, awareness, and metamorphosis. Only the male peacocks feature bright-colored feathers. This bird is often associated with masculine energy. And its showy plumage represents confidence and cockiness.

And that is so Draco. Seeing as his Patronus represents exactly what he is, I grew excited to see what mine would be.

" I'll go next " Theo declared standing up and dusting his pants

He took out his wand and closed his eyes with a little smile.

" Expecto Patronum " he softly said unlike Draco who yelled at the top of his lungs.

The strands from Theo's wand were more bluish than silver. The strands played around Theo's face and hair before forming the shape of a bird that flew so fast it was impossible to recognise it's kind.

Only when the bird rested on Theo's arm were we able to recognise it as a Hwak

Hawks represent clear vision and deep understanding and have a keen sense of where it is going, adding that it can also represent intelligence, adaptability, courage, fierceness, and loyalty.

Perfect for Theo

Having casted perfect corporeal patronuses, the two turned to look at me with an encouraging smile and nod.

I gripped my wand feeling the nerves tingle as I closed my eyes and thought of the memory from Remus and Sirius


" JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER!! DID YOU LOOSE MY CHILDREN AGAIN!??" Lily yelled at James who was frantically looking for Camelia and Harry

" Lily-Pad, I swear i kept the cloak with me " He squeaked out.

Above them on the rooftop, A laughing Sirius and Remus sat with their Godchilren on their laps.

Sirius stretched his hand to point at a star in the sky

" You see that star, mini Padfoot and Moony? That's the brightest star in the sky "

He turned to look at them with a huge grin

" And guess what, it's name after me. See how popular I am? Even more than your old father "

" Oye! " James let out an offended yell as he climbed out the window joining his best mates

" I am not old and Harry is certainly not Mini Padfoot. He is mini Prongs, aren't you my lil boy " James cooed and rubbed his cheeks with Harry as he picked him up from Sirius's lap.

" Nah, he's mini Padfoot " Sirius shrugged it off again, leaning against the wall.

" And my darling daughter!!! " He turned to Camelia who was squealing and jumping on Remus's lap

" Please be like your mother. Smart, beautiful and perfect in every way. Harry can be like me, an idiot" he said booping her nose as she scrunched her tiny face.

" Dada? " She tilted her face

" Yes sweety? "

" Mon' " she said pointing to the moon " sta'" and stars in the sky, then she pointed at Remus and Sirius playing playfully as Sirius pretended to wipe his fake tears and James let out an offended sigh for not even mentioning him.

Midst of the chaos little Harry slept peacefully in his father's arms as Lily looked at them from the window, with loving eyes.


" EXPECTO PATRONUM " I yelled and felt the shift in my magic.

As the whisps left my body, a warm feeling spread through me. It was like on e of those times, you really wish for something to happen and it happens but even better.

I opened my eyes as a little hummingbird sat my on finger and nipped it before fading away.

Hummingbirds are associated with joy. renewal, energy, and persistence. Their quick-beating wings, always on the move, also give them some connection to the idea of eternity. More than anything they are depicted as tireless in their quest for nectar (or, in symbolic terms, the things that feed the soul, like happiness, beauty, and fulfillment).

Hummingbirds also find comfort in a never-ending quest.

And the hummingbird symbolizes resurrection or rebirth.

How very ironic

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