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"Undo the charms, Luna" Astoria's voice boomed around the Slytherin common room

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"Undo the charms, Luna" Astoria's voice boomed around the Slytherin common room.

Luna simply smiled, her eyes trailing back to the jumbled words of the Quibbler.

It actually baffled Luna, how the words seemed right to her when they were upside down. Somehow, it made her feel that words can be weird too, not just her.

"Luna. He will kill himself" Draco pleaded, his voice sounded like a that of a siren's. It was strong, but it did not hold the meaning, a siren's held.

"He will not, I know it"

Draco massaged his temples. Again with the vague words.

Before Astoria or Draco could stop him, Theo had stormed into his dorm room smashing the door shut and locking it with a wave of his hand.

Moreover, Luna had personally charmed the door so that it couldn't be opened from the outside.

Draco feared for Theo's life.

Because Theo held no regard for his own.

The dorm room that was always decorated with splashes of paint, coated with the ashy charcoal crayon dust covering the sketch books, the damp smell paper covered in water colors and freshly painted canvas.

Was now mourning with it's occupant. Theo was seated near the door, his back touching the cold wall. His hands were bleeding and his nails were covered in blood.

There was a blank look in his eyes. An emptiness of a corpse as he stared unblinking at the numerous canvases in front of him.

Constellations on her cheeks and shoulders.

A smile so wide, it was truly a shame that his hands couldn't capture the beauty.

An ethereal being, a divinity

His goddess

Gods didn't die, Theo remembered. She must be alive

She had to be

" You promised you wouldn't leave " he sobbed choking on his own words

When he looked back, even a month later, Harry found he had only scattered memories of the next few days. It was as though he had been through too much to take in any more. The recollections he did have were very painful.

They had given him the sack of gold after Diggory refused to take anything.

Harry returned to Gryffindor Tower the following evening. From what Hermione and Ron told him, Dumbledore had spoken to the school that morning at breakfast. He had merely requested that they leave Harry alone, that nobody ask him questions or badger him to tell the story of what had happened in the maze. Most people, he noticed, were skirting him in the corridors, avoiding
his eyes. Some whispered behind their hands as he passed.

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