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Casey talked to the person on the other side of the phone for only a couple seconds.

"your forgiven, bye now." she started before, sighing, "okay one second." she said handing the phone to evani. "talk to him."

'who?' evani mouthed only getting a shrug back.

"hello?" she sat back on the couch. the person on the other end was silent,

Billy looked back at Stu, who was waiting.

how could they forget?

"who is this?" they finally asked.

"who is this?" she asked, tossing skittles into her mouth.

"what are you eating?" he asked instead.

"your voice is sexy." she giggled.

Billy couldn't help but smile at her, "thanks doll."

"skittles." she grinned answering his question. she looked down at the small packet in her hand.

"I've never really tried skittles." he admitted truthfully.

she gasped, "they're the best thing ever, I promise. what kind of psycho has never eaten skittles?" she asked.

he sighed dramatically, "I guess me."

"if we were friends, I'd give you skittles." evani bit her lip.

"really?" he questioned, a hint of amusement in his voice. she nodded forgetting he can't see her.

"of course." she promised.

"what's your favorite scary movie?" he questioned.

she pursed her lips, "I guess, nightmare on elm street. only the first one though, the others weren't scary."

"freddy Krueger? Yeah I liked him too." he admitted.

"hey." he hummed, "can I talk to your friend again, evani?" he then asked

her smile fell, she slowly stood up walking to the kitchen. "he wants to talk to you." she mumbled giving the phone back to the blonde.

walking back to the living room, she sat down on the couch thinking about who that was, and how he knew her name.

when she heard Casey yelling, "listen asshole!". evani jumped up rushing to the kitchen.

she couldn't hear what he was saying but by the looks of her friends face she could tell it wasn't good.

she took the phone back from Casey, "who is this?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that yet, sweetheart." he calmed down, "now, be a good girl and give the phone back to Casey." he demanded.

evani shakily gave the phone back, feeling bad for her friend but she didnt know what to do expect be obedient.

"Listen, I am two seconds away from calling the police." she cried.

"what do you want?" casey then asked looking out the window.

"to see what your insides look like!"

said causing casey to cry louder. evani snatched the phone hanging up. dragging casey to the living room. someone rang the doorbell. 

the phone rang again and casey answered it again. evani rushed to the kitchen. she grabbed one of the knives running back to casey.

"you've had your fun so now you better just leave us alone." she cried.

"—or else my boyfriend will be here any second and he will be pissed when he finds out." she argued. "I lied! I have a boyfriend. and so does she, his names billy loomis." she yelled random things now.

he stayed silent, a smirk coming onto his face, "billy loomis, huh?" he questioned.

"yes!" Casey yelled hoping that would scare him. evani really wished she could hear what he saying.

he chuckled, "bitch, I am billy loomis."

caseys eyes widened. she looked up at her friend. she knew how close she was to that friend group, him, "it's b—" then something smashed behind her and evani fell to the ground. being knocked out.

"evani!" casey screamed. the ghostface stared down at her unconscious state. then looked up at Casey.

the blonde screamed dropping the phone, running out the room. stu crouched down checking to see if she was okay. billy ran past him in the direction casey went.

stu turned her head seeing a small cut above her left eyebrow. like a paper cut, he hoped anyway. he wasn't a doctor.

he brought his knife up tracing her jawline softly. Slowly trailing down her body with the knife, he noticed she wore a skirt. he brought the knife under the skirt, against the inside of her thigh, he pressed down, cutting her.

He knew it would leave a scar, that's why he wanted it right there, something to remember him by, a gift.

Casey scream once again, he picked evani up. placing the girl on the couch.

EVANI WOKE UP with a big headache. she remembered everything. looking around, it was completely silent.

there was broken glass on the floor, a few drops of blood on the floor along with a broken wooden chair.

she could feel a sticky liquid smudged on the left side of her face along with on her leg. She hoped she didnt get her period.

"C-Casey?" she called out softly. her voice raspy from not being used for god knows how long.

stumbling out back she saw Steve tied to a chair, dead. she let out a scream, sobbing at the dead body. she stumbled away from the area. she continued walking lazily. glancing around her surroundings she was terrified.

looking up, she saw something—no someone hanging from the tree.

evani let out the loudest scream possible.

"Casey!" she screamed, sobbing as she fell onto her knees. her legs giving out.

she tried crawling away, the sight was truly terrifying. she backed away falling straight into someone's arms.

she only screamed louder, moving her arms and legs in multiple directions.

before the person wrapped their arms around her, it was dewey. looking back she saw many more cop cars pulling in and Casey's parents crying.

am I the only one that was genuinely like flipping out at the sight of caseys body hung up that shit actually scared me nbs

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