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"you won't believe it, red. principal expelled me!" he scoffed, "my old man's gonna get pissed."

(this is the guy everyone thinks is taras dad for some reason)

"well, maybe you shouldn't have been
an idiot." she laughed at her ex who continued to complained.

"yeah, whatever. it was just a joke. he's being unfair." he defended.

she only laughed at him, "hate to admit it, but you scared the crap out of me." she admitted taking a bag of skittles out of her pocket.

he scoffed laughing loudly, "you still
eat those stupid skittles. hey, you going to stu marchers party tonight?" he asked.

she sighed, "I don't know. probably not."

he rolled his eyes, "your going." he decided for her, "I'm going to be there."

"so?" evani scoffed

"so red, it'll make everything better!" he threw his hands up as if to prove a point.

"look I'll think about it." she shrugged.

"I'll see you there, I owe you a drink for last time anyway. bye evie." he smiled down at her just as they arrived at the video store.

he walked away, crossing the street. "bye ryan." she smiled softly turning back to the store.

SHE JOGGED OVER to randy and stu. stu looked down at her, "whatcha doing with Ryan, eve?" he poked her side.

"nothing, hey randy. place is packed tonight, huh?" she leaned on the shelf.

"we had a run in the mass murder section." he shrugged putting some movies away.

"you coming to my fiesta?" stu asked standing behind evani, putting his arms around her neck to pull her into his chest.

"yeah, I get off early. curfew, you know?" he confirmed.

"what's the werewolf movie, with ET's mom in it?" some random women came over and asked.

"the howling, horror section straight ahead." randy pointed slightly.

"—aw, now that's in poor taste." randy nodded over to billy with a few girls.

evani frowned as she though about sidney. sure the two weren't doing so good right now but there still dating. and it was obvious those girls don't just want to be his friend.

"if you were the only suspect in a bloodbath, would you be standing in the horror section?" randy asked quietly.

"it was just a misunderstanding, he didn't do it." stu nodded over to billy.

randy scoffed, "you are such a little
lap dog, he's got killer printed all over
his forehead." he argued.

evani bit her lip, sure he was the cops only suspect, but he was also there friend.

"he's our friend randy, don't talk about him behind his back. and he wouldn't do that." evani defended.

"little evie, you are so naive." randy sighed, disappointed.

evani frowned at his words looking up at stu for confirmation. he looked down at her and shook his head; no.

"Okay, really then why'd the cops let him go, smart guy?" stu asked randy prior to what he said before.

"Cause obviously they don't watch enough movies, this is standard horror stuff. prom revisited man!" the movie nerd defended.

"Yeah? Why would he want to kill his own girlfriend and eve?" stu glanced over at billy when he asked.

randy rolled his eyes, "there's always some stupid reason to wanna kill your girlfriend and friend!" he shrugged.

evanis eyes widened and she though about ryan and if he would have tried to kill her if they had stayed together.

evani looked around, shrugging Stu off of her, he left the conversation. he only frowned staring after her with a pout on his face.

she walked over to the food isle grabbing
a few packs of skittles and three bottles of coke. for herself, stu, and Randy.

she walked over paying at the cash register, she was happy she had left them when she did as she heard Randy yelling about a formula.

she waited in line behind a few over people, all of them with multiple movies.

billy came up behind her, a smirk on his face. "hey eve." he said just as she got to the front.

"hey Billy." she said quietly putting the stuff on on the counter.

she took out her money placing it on the counter, "keep the change." she said handing Billy one coke.

EVANI WALKED WITH sidney and tatum in the store as tatum tossed a bag of chips in the carriage. evani went into the freezer grabbing a thing of ice cream for the three girls after the party.

"billy's right, you know. When ever he touches me, I can't relate." sidney pushed the carriage forward.

"so you have a few issues from your mothers death. it's okay, sidney. he should just be patient with you." evani smiled at her.

and sidney couldn't help but wonder
if she was dating her, would evani be patient with her?

"yeah but, he has been so patient with me, especially with the sex stuff. I mean how many guys would put up with a girl who's sexually anorexic?" sidney asked getting popsicles from the freezer.

"billy and his penis don't deserve you, alright?" tatum said causing evani to laugh lightly. the three walking away from the freezer section.


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