Feel my pain Ch 3

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Severus's pov

In the morning I took a quick shower and got ready. Now I was on my way to the Great Hall for breakfast. I already know after that the marauders will try and hunt me down like they always do. That is for I make my plan begins.

Once I arrived at the Great Hall, I go to the Slytherin table and sit next to Regulus and Lucius with a smile on my face. They look at me shocked they have never seen me smile or happy. Which was true. Growing up in an abusive household really loses your smile and specially being bullied in school for years by the same people, doesn't make you feel any joy.

We were 5 minutes in breakfast when Lucius looked up from his breakfast and to me. He was hesitant at first but then he spoke up.

"All right, who did you kill and do I have to hide a body or get you a lawyer?" He asked in a joking and scared voice.

I look up at him then looked around some of the other slytherins were looking at me. I could tell they were creeped out and almost afraid. I've never shown much emotion before and honestly their reactions were very amusing.

"No, I'm just happy today. I could tell it's going to be a good day." I said to him smiling just to mess with him.

"That's the thing. You're never happy and you never think any day is going to be a good day especially with the Marauders after you." Regulus said in a accusing tone as he pointing at me.

"I feel after this week, the Marauders would no longer be a problem to me or anyone else." I said looking him in the eye.

They looked at me shocked and suspiciously. They looked at each other and confusion and slight fear before Lucius turned to me and came little closer.

"Are you planning on killing them?" He whispered in my ear. "I can't afford a lawyer right now. I spent all my allowance on Narcissa last week."

I looked at him and laughed a little bit which shocked everyone. Including myself, it actually feels good to laugh and to be happy about something. I never had that before.

"No I don't plan on killing anyone anytime soon but after this week they'll wish they're dead."I said to them. "And honestly you are such a simp for her, losing all your money in one week."

After breakfast we want our separate ways to our classes. Going down the hall and turning I could hear footsteps behind me. I knew who it was.

I reached for my wand. Before I always held back because of Lily or I was afraid. But now since I'm no longer friends with Lily and I'm not afraid I'm giving it my all. After she chose them over the one mistake I made and after all the begging and pleading for her forgiveness, I just stopped.

"Hey snivellus." I heard Black yell from behind me.

I turned around and then there were. All four Marauders standing there, not knowing what was coming with smirks on their faces.

"What do you want now, Black?" I said in a bored and annoyed tone.

"I saw you laughing in the Great Hall. You looked happy. We're here to stop that." He said in a smug tone.

"I'd like to see you try." I said smirking pointing my wand at them. "Let's see how good you are when I'm not holding back."

They seemed a little shocked as I usually would tell them to go away and walk away. Black looked almost angry.

And just like that they took out their wand's out and started throwing hex'es and curse's my way. 'Such fools they all are.' I thought to myself.

I managed to stop all of them from hitting me send back some curse's to them. At this point we had drawn a crowd. I heard someone call to get a teacher and I knew I had to end this.

I sent some more hex'es and curse's at them, hitting them directly. During the fight they even tried using my own spells against me. Fighting them was so easy now that I wasn't held back. Now they were on the ground bloody and bruised and I stood there untouched. The student's were shocked that I wasn't hurt and that I had won.

I heard footsteps rushing down the hole and I turned to see Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey running to us. once they got past the crowd, this kept shifting between me and the four boys that were laying on the ground, nearly unconscious.

Recovering from her shock quickly Madam Pomfrey started healing them while Professor McGonagall faced at me with a look of anger, shock and disappointment. Honestly where was this look when the Marauders were bulling me. I guess this look is only for slytherins.

"Mr. Snape, what were you thinking?! You could have killed them! This behavior is unacceptable. 60 points will be taken off Slytherin. Go to the headmaster's office now " She stated pointing down the hall.

The past 6 years basically being tortured by them and now she has it's in her to be angry and yell at someone. Of course that someone had to be me, a Slytherin. I walk away without saying a word. I didn't feel bad about what I just did. They deserved it after all they had done to me.

This is the beginning. They will
Feel my pain

Fighting back ( Jeverus)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz