Where I belong Ch 11

906 31 4

James's POV

I stood there dumbfounded and watched as Severus walked away. I don't know why but I felt a pain in my chest as he walked away. I knew my apology wasn't enough for his forgiveness but I didn't think he would yell at me and walk away like that.

I sighed before walking back to the castle. I took one last glance at Severus, seeing him with Malfoy and Regulus. The pain in my chest got bigger is I saw them together and Malfoy being a little too close to Severus. Right now, I wanted to pull Severus away from him and make sure Malfoy doesn't get close again but I knew I couldn't do so I turned away and continued walking to the castle.

I walked down the hallways to the Gryffindor common room. Luckily no one was there so I can relax and think. I sat down on one of the couches in the common room and thought about Severus.

'He looked good when he sat on the throne chair in the Great Hall.' I thought to myself with a small smile. 'I don't know what to do. A week ago I hated him, now I can't stop thinking about him.' I sighed as I rubbed my head. All I know now is I need to earn his forgiveness. I'll do whatever it takes . . . for him.

I shook my head at that thought. 'I really need to get my act together.' I got up from the couch and before I could go you the stairs to my dorm, I heard a voice behind me.

"James?" It was Lily. Begrudgingly, I turned around and looked at her at the bottom of the stairs. "How was your walk? Are you feeling better?" She asked as she stood in front of the stairs, knowing that if she even tried to go up the stairs would just lead her back down.

"Yes, I took a walk outside in front of the Forbidden Forest."I said with a fake charming smile. "I should go upstairs and move my bag and trunk, my parents are coming to pick me and Sirius up during lunch." I said trying to go upstairs to my dorms away from her. There's just something about being near her now that just doesn't feel right.

"Wait, I wanted to talk to you about what happened in the Great Hall today." Lily said and I think I saw a tear forming her eyes.

I almost sighed as I turned back to her. "What happened in the Great Hall today?" I asked her trying to sound interested and concerned but I didn't move my spot on the stairs.

"It was Severus and Malfoy." She said in a sad yet angry tone. 'Severus? What happened to him?' I thought to myself, feeling a slight panic in my chest. "They called me a mud-blood." She said tears now falling down her face. To me it felt like those tears were fake but I couldn't think about that now. 'I wonder what she did to make them say that.' The thought surprised me as I always defended her.

"Did something happen to make them say that to you?" I asked lifting and eyebrow at her. "The last time Severus said that was out of anger towards me." She looked at me shocked and confused before that turned into anger.

"Are you defending them?! They called me a mud blood! I thought you were on my side!" She exclaimed. I sighed, now fed up with this and wanting to go to my room faster.

"And what do you want me to do?" I said annoyed. "You're more than capable of dealing with him yourself."

Lily stood there stammering before looking at me angrily. "I thought you would try to at least deal with him for me and defend me, like you always did." She huffed.

"I see. You want me to prank him." I said with a sarcastic laugh. "Didn't you always say that you hated when I pranked people to defend you?" Lily was about to say something but I cut her off. "Get that out of your head. I'm not pranking anyone anymore. I'm in a tight position where my parents are at the point where they can pull me out of school. The people that I 'pranked' were always badly injured and I never noticed until Severus has been guts to stand up say something. You always try to tell me that I was hurting people but I never listened and now that I'm finally seeing everything, you want me to hurt someone for calling you a name when I know that you probably provoke them first. Do you see any logic in that?" I said annoyed and angrily.

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