Can't wait Ch 4

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Severus pov

I walked down the hall's to the Headmaster's office, as soon as I'm in front of the statue I pause and realized something.

'Professor McGonagall didn't give me the password. How do I get in?' I thought to myself

I stood there for 5 minutes until I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Professor McGonagall looking at me confused and slightly angry.

"What are you doing out here? I told you to go to the Headmaster." She said

"I was going to but I don't have the password." I said

She pinched the bridge of her nose as she realized she didn't give me the password. She walked up to the statue and whispered something. The statue moved and showed a flight of stairs. We slowly walk up until we see that his master's office.

Looking around we did not see the Headmaster. Professor McGonagall sighed and pointed to one of the seats in front of the desk.

"Sit right there while I go get the Headmaster and don't go anywhere." She stated before walking away.

I went up to one of the seats and sat down. I stayed there for 2 minutes until a beautiful Phoenix flew in. It was beautiful. I slowly got up from the chair and walk towards it hoping not to scare it away. Once I got close enough I reached up to pet it but then flames went around it until it was nothing but ash. I looked horrified at it

"So was his time." I heard a voice behind me say. "He did look a bit down"

I turn around to see the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall standing there and the doorway.

"I-I don't know what happened." I stuttered "It was fine one minute and it just burst into flames." I said as I looked to where the ashes were and to the Headmaster.

The Headmaster laughed a little waving his hand " It's okay it happens to all phoenix's." He said as he slowly walked up to me.

I looked at him confused until I saw something move in the ashes. I looked down to see a baby Phoenix crawling out the ash. I looked at it confused and intrigued.

"What just happened?" I asked the Headmaster still looking at the Phoenix in front of me.

"Phoenix's burst into flames when it's time for them to die and then they are reborn from the ashes" he said picking up the Phoenix bringing it to a small nest near his desk.

He goes behind his desk and sit down with Professor McGonagall standing by his side. I go back to the seat I was in and sat down looking at the two professors in front of me.

"Minerva told me what happened in the Halls today and I have to say I'm very disappointed" he said looking at me.

"But sir they attacked me first. I was only defending myself." I stated. if I wanted my plan to go right I needed to make sure it look everything was normal.

"I understand that but you could have came to one of the professors and not attack them like you did." he said looking at me in the eye.

I look down trying to control my anger. 'He's not listening to my side of the story typical' I thought to myself

"What will happen now? Will I be expelled?" I asked looking up pretending to be sad and scared

"No but there will be a meeting between those that are in this office the boys that were attacked and their parents. You will have to apologize to them." he said leaning back in his chair looking at me.

I tried to keep my excitement down so they won't be suspicious. Everything is going as planned then the Headmaster continued

"You're a good student. You have excellent grades and great potential. I do not want this to ruin your future." He said in a grandfatherly tone

I know what he's trying to do he's trying to make me feel guilty. Where was this tone to the Marauders when they sent me to the Madam Pomfrey every week or when they prank every student in the school.

"When will this meeting happen?" I asked in a fake sad tone.

"It will happen in 2 days. I want you to think about what you did and to think about what you will say in your apology you may go now." He said waving his hand

I got up and walked out. As soon as I was out of the office I had to contain my excitement until I got to my dorm later on today so no one will see me.

I smirked while walking to class. This meeting is coming sooner than expected and I
Can't wait

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