Changing Ch 15

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Severus's POV

I was standing there in shock as I stared at Potter. 'He shouldn't be here. This was supposed to be a peaceful trip to Hogsmeade.' I thought to myself as I was now glared at Potter. "What are you doing here Potter? I thought your parents were punishing you and your dog." I mocked.

"Um i-it's Sirius and th-this is our punishment." Potter stuttered, not looking me in the eyes. "My parents saw fit to make us learn responsibilities by getting a job." He said with a small smile, as if he was proud of this. Although this was a punishment, for me it wasn't the right one.

"That's it? Your parents punishment was for you to get a job?" I said with slight distaste. Forcing someone to get a job was a punishment, especially a spoiled brat, but Potter deserved much worse than this. "Sounds like a slap on the wrist to me." I said in annoyance as I looked him up and down.

I watched as Potter started putting up clothes again. He looked bored while doing it but he also looked happy as he looked at me. 'Strange.' I thought to myself.

"They also took away our pranking supplies and my broom. Their making us work through the break." Potter said with a smile. "They said if they didn't see a difference in our behavior, they will have us working over summer. If they did see a difference, they will give us our things." He said as if he was trying make my happy with this information. "You said you needed help with some clothes?"

"Yes, but I don't want help from you. You'll probably make me looked ridiculous." I scoffed. I took a quick glance around the shop before turning towards the door. "I should leave before something happens. Everytime we are near each other, there's always fighting but then again it could add to you punishment." I said with a smirk before walking away.

"No wait!" I heard Potter nearly yell. I heard clothes drop before I felt a hand gently grab my arm. I turned and glared at him, snatching my hand away from his grip. Potter looked like a kicked puppy as he dropped his arms to his sides. "I can help you. There's no tricks or messing around." Potter said with a nervous smile.

A part of me didn't trust him. Someone like him can't change with a snap of a finger. After 5 years of being tormented by him, he won't change in a few days because his parents, and soon wizarding world, found out about him. But another part of me feels like he is telling the truth and I noticed he was doing things he never did before. He was fidgeting, stuttering and not looking me directly in the eye. Maybe I'll give him this one chance to see if he changed a little bit.

"Fine, but nothing ridiculous or bright colored." I said rolling my eyes. Potter smile before going to the other side of the store and picking out some clothes. It was slightly amusing to see him scurrying around the storm picking out clothes.

"I think I got the perfect thing for you." Potter said as he walked to me with a lot of clothes in his arms. "I'll show you to the changing room. Follow me please." He said before leading me towards back of the store. He walked into a small room and sat the clothes on a chair. "I'll be outside if you need anything." He said before walking out the room.

Once the door closed, I looked to the pile of clothes. I picked up the first set and realized that Potter didn't randomly pick clothes but he actually had time to organize each of. I picked up the one on the top and changed into it. After I was finished I lived towards the mirror and was shocked toward I saw.

 After I was finished I lived towards the mirror and was shocked toward I saw

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This outfit was comfortable and did well with my figure. The clothes screamed strong and dominating but also well mannered. 'Maybe Potter does know some style.' I thought to myself as I looked over the outfit. I walked out the changing room and saw Potter sitting on one of the close chairs. Once he heard me, he looked up and began to stare at me, mouth slightly agape.

"This is not bad. I'll take this and I'll see if I like the others." I said as I looked at the outfit and straightened the shirt. I looked up at Potter when I didn't get a response. I saw Potter's eyes look over as his mouth was still slightly agape. "Potter!" I said a little loudly to get his attention.

His head shot up at the sound of my voice. "Huh? O-oh um... It looks good on you. V-very good." Potter said stuttering a little as he look away with a slight blush on his face. "I-i'll be at the register. When you're finished picking the ones you like, I'll ring it up for you." He said before rushing to the register.

I was confused as I watched him rush off. 'He's acting weird. Well more than usual.' I thought to myself as I walked back into the dressing room. I tried the different clothes on and picked the ones I liked the most. The clothes was my style and was much better than the rags I called clothes back at the dorm.

I picked up the clothes and walked to the register where Potter was. I put the clothes on the counter and let Potter scan the clothes. I saw him keep glancing at me as he scanned the clothes. After he was finished, he put the clothes in a bag and put it on the counter.

"T-the total will be 31 galleons and 4 Sickle." Potter said nervously. "I can give you a discount, since I know you." He said before going to write something down on a note pad.

"No. I can pay myself, I don't need your charity." I sneered as I pulled the money from my pouch. I get what I owed and handed it to him. As I handed him the money, our hands touched and he seems to lean forward as I retracted my hand back.

Potter had a look of disappointment before putting the money in the register. "Thank you for shopping here. Please come again." He said as he handed me my bag. Although Potter was probably repeating what he'd been told to say, the look on his face seemed to be one of hope.

"The clothes are nice and... I guess your service was not completely terrible." I said slowly and I saw Potter start to smile. I nodded before walking to the door. When I had my hand on the handle, I heard Potter speak behind me.

"I really am changing. I know you don't believe it but I'm trying." He said and I turned around to see him right in front of me. I looked in his eyes and saw sadness, regret and another emotion that I couldn't place. "I'm not going to stop until I earn your forgiveness and the forgiveness of the people at Hogwarts."

He sounded sincere and regretful, his eyes showed it. I nodded my head as I slowly opened the door. "It's starting to show, but it's not going to happen over night and because you have a job." I said before walking out the store.

As I walked down the street, I kept thinking about what happened and his words. 'I'll keep a close eye on him to see if he really is changing.' I thought to myself as I walk to my next stop.

It's good to see my plan is
working for the change.
Maybe he is

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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