She's not my friend Ch 9

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James POV

Last night me and the Marauders packed our clothes like our parents told us too. We went to sleep still in shock and sad over what happened at the meeting and I didn't know what to do or say.

In the morning, we went to breakfast at the Great Hall and ate in silence, which surprised most. Usually we would be talking and laughing but today we couldn't. I kept glancing at the Slytherin table to see if I can find Snape to try and apologize but I couldn't see him. I could however, see a throne-like chair at the end of the Slytherin table. No one was sitting on it so I knew it was for Snape.

After 5 minutes, I saw Snape walking into the Great Hall and go to the Slytherin table. He sat on the throne-like chair and talk to Lucius Malfoy and Regulus Black, who were sitting next to him. As I was eating and glancing at the Slytherin table, I felt someone sit next to me. I looked to the side and saw Lily Evans sitting next to me.

Before now, I would have been happy and shower her with compliments but today I didn't feel anything. I just glanced at her and continued eating my breakfast.

"James, is something wrong?" Lily asked as she looked at me with concern.

"It's nothing. Just a small argument with my parents." I said trying to drop the subject.

"If you want, we and the Marauders can hang out to cheer you up." Lily said as she rubbed my arm. I don't know why but I didn't feel anything but slights discomfort.

"No it's okay." I said moving away from her slightly. "I have to go." I said quickly before rushing out the Great Hall.

I don't know what was happening to me. I don't feel anything when I'm with Lily anymore. I need some time away from everyone so I went back to my dorm and laid on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. 'Why am I feeling like this? Am I gay? How do I make everything right?' All of these questions were going through my head. I decided later I would try finding Severus to apologize, right now I needed to figure everything out.

Severus POV

I was at Slytherin table talking to Lucius and Regulus about my plans and what I have discovered. It was all peaceful until Lily came over to me.

"What have you done?" Lily asked in a slight angry tone.

"I'm only stopping the torture that's happening inside of the school. I don't know why I have to explain myself to you." I said in a bored tone.

"Don't give me that! Remus and Sirius told me what happened yesterday. You're splitting them up and are going to cause trouble for the Headmaster." Lily said now glaring at me.

I was starting to get angry now. She's only worried about the Marauders and the Headmaster's reputation. What I am doing will help the abused and bullied kids in this school. She doesn't care and she never will.

"What I'm doing will be great for future generation of wizards and witches. What I'm doing is helping the kids here who are being mistreated." I said now angry as I stood up glaring at her. "What you are doing right now is making me angry and defending the people who are causing the most pain in this school. If you have a problem with the way that I'm dealing with this, keep it to yourself. You're only going to cause more damage than good."

"You cannot do this! They're good people!" Lily exclaimed, now Regulus and Lucius is stood up beside me and everyone in the Great Hall watching us.

"They are bullies and manipulators! If you cannot see what they are doing then you are just as bad as they are!" I yelled back at her which shocked everyone because I would never get angry at her.

"Okay now let's calm down and stop yelling." Regulus said trying to calm us down so we wouldn't cause much of a scene.

"Stay out of it, you filthy death eater." Lily said as she glaring at Regulus. This only made me more angry.

"Okay he was being nice but now I'm just going to straight out and say it. Shut up you filthy mudblood." Lucius said as he stood in front of Regulus, glaring back at Lily. Lily gasped and took a step back before glaring hatefully at Lucius.

I could see Remus and Sirius walk up to us and stand next to Lily. Lucius and Lily still glaring at each other with me standing beside him, angrily glaring at Lily too.

"You know, I thought you were my friend. A true friend that would stand by me and forgive me for any little mistake. Now, I see you for what you really are. A filthy, attention seeking, mudblood." I said angrily before I walked out the Great Hall with Regulus and Lucius behind me.

As we walked down the hallway Regulus and Lucius started talking about what just happened.

"You know you did the right thing, right? You're standing up for yourself and other kids in the school." Regular set as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah not to mention that was badass. You finally told Evans off. I don't want to tell you this before because you kept trying to earn her forgiveness but she was annoying and a fake friend." Lucius said not really helping with anything.

"I should have saw it coming." I said as I shook my head. "I was only blinded because she was the first person to ever care about me. Or at least I thought she did."

I felt Lucius put a hand on my shoulder and walk beside me. "You don't have to worry about who cares about you. We're here for you and we care about you." Lucius said softly.

"Why don't we go by the Black lake? So we can relax and take our mind off things." Regulus suggested as we kept on walking down the hallway. Me and Lucius not in agreement as we started making our way down to the Black lake.

One thing I know now is that Lily Evans is not what I thought she was.
She's not my friend.

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