This will be a disaster Ch 5

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James pov

I'm shocked. We were following Severus and now we're in the medical wing with Madame Pomfrey. What shocked me the most is when we were dueling Severus wasn't breaking a sweat and walked away without a scratch.

When Madame Pomfrey was finally finished examining us, she walked away to get some healing supplies and that's when we started talking about today's events.

"What happened? How did Snivellus beat us without even trying?!" Padfoot exclaimed irritated and shocked from his bed next to mine.

"I-I don't know. Maybe he took a potion. He's always in the potions room brewing." Wormtail said scared from his bed across from me.

"That can't be it, there is no potion to help you with hexes and curses. Strength maybe but never spells." Moony said from his bed across from Padfoot.

"You never know! He's always experimenting with different potions, he probably made himself!" Padfoot exclaimed.

"What do you think prongs?" Wormtail asked looking at me.

"I-I don't know." I stuttered "Did you see the look in his eyes when he was hexing us and did you see how he blocked all of our spells?! I said

"Yeah I saw it too. He look like he was really not holding back, that he was enjoying himself." Moony said looking down scared

"That can't be the same Snivellus! He never fights back and when he does, it's always weak spells!" Padfoot exclaimed

"What if he really has been holding back all these years?" Wormtail said timidly

"That could be true. I've been noticing that when he fights, he's either stopped by Lily or he's hesitant."Mooney said looking at us.

"I think you might be right." I said slowly. "The rage in his eyes was to real to fake."

We didn't say anything after that as everything that happened kept playing in our heads. Madam Pomfrey came in and put some ointments on us and gave us some potions.

"I was shocked to see that this was Severus doing." She said with a sigh. "I'm also shocked to see that each of you all have some broken ribs and a lot of bruising." She continued shaking her head.

We looked at her with wide eyes. 'He managed to break our ribs?! No wonder it hurts so bad.' I thought to myself.

We were about to say something but then the doors opened and came in Professor McGonagall and the Headmaster. They stopped in front of us that's one the Headmaster started talking.

"I'm sorry this happened to you and rest assured this will be dealt with. There will be a meeting between us Mr Snape and your parents in 2 days, where you would get full apology from him and from us for letting this happen." The Headmaster said in his usual grandfatherly tone.

"What about Snape? Will he be expelled for this?" Padfoot ask in an almost smug tone.

"No he will not. Considering his grades and his well behavior, he will be given detention for the rest of the year and will be giving you a full apology." Professor McGonagall said giving Padfoot a look.

Padfoot look shocked and disappointed. The Professor's walked out, closing the door behind them when we sat there and silence until Madame Pomfrey said something.

"Sadly your ribs weren't the only thing broken. With injuries like yours you will have to stay here until the meeting until then rest." She said walking back to her office.

"Well I know my parents aren't going to be here." Padfoot said in a joking tone.

"My mom is going to freak out when she sees me like this. I could hear her now." Wormtail said with a sigh

"My parents are most definitely cause a scene. Oh, this going to be dreadful." Moony said as he rubbed his head.

"I think we can all agree that our parents are going to be angry." I said wincing at the thought before shaking my head.

"Look at the bright side, Snivellus might get yelled at by our parents." Padfoot snickered. "I can't wait to see he's face when your parents go at him."

"Padfoot, this is no laughing matter. This is serious. All we need to do now is rest and wait for the meeting." Moony said in a serious tone. "Hopefully nothing bad happens during the meeting or we're in deep."

"Moony is right. There is nothing we can do but rest. The meeting is as the Headmaster said, an apology. If our parents say something or do something, it will be handled. You know how the Headmaster has everything under control." I said seriously. "We should get some rest now, we don't want to anger Poppy anymore then she already is."

They nodded before we all laid back to go to sleep but I couldn't help but stay up thinking of what would happen in the meeting. I know my parents will not just accept an apology and a year of detention. I know they'll probably demand he be expelled when they see us.

This will be a disaster

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