3 - Take Care Or Don't

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"I'm blocking you if you talk about him." Y/N opened her window, the phone resting between her ear and her shoulder. The cool evening breeze brushed against her face as she leaned against the windowsill, staring out at the city lights twinkling in the distance.

On the other end of the line, Areum laughed. "I really want to see what this hot neighbor of yours looks like. You have an exquisite taste in men, after all."

"Please, he's not that hot," Y/N replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "And right now, I'm not interested in anyone, especially not Jake or any other guy for that matter."

"Well, a little eye candy never hurt anyone. Just promise you won't go peeking through his windows with binoculars."

Y/N rolled her eyes. "I'm not that desperate, thank you very much- wait." Her heart raced inside her chest when she realized that perhaps, it was Jake's window that was across from hers. The curtains were closed and she was trying to remember if he had gray curtains. "They are gray." 

"What? Who?" Areum's voice faded into the background as Y/N thought about Jake. It was the next day morning and he didn't even open the curtains to let sunlight into that depressing place of his. "What are you talking about?"

"I'll call you later, Areum." Quickly hanging up, she walked out of her apartment and made her way to Jake, slowly putting her ear against his door to see if he was inside. There was no sound. She knocked on the door and when there was no answer, she was concerned. "What is wrong with him..."

She was hesitating for a moment, contemplating whether it was a good idea to continue snooping around Jake's apartment. She knew it was an invasion of privacy, but her worry got the best of her. Plus, she was just trying to make sure that he was fine.

Taking a deep breath, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a bobby pin. She had learned this trick from an old detective movie. Gently inserting the pin into the lock, she began to fiddle with it, hoping to unlock the door. And after a few seconds, the lock clicked open.

Y/N's heart raced as she pushed the door open, stepping cautiously inside the dimly lit place. The apartment was eerily quiet, with no signs of life. Her footsteps echoed softly on the floor as she made her way through the living room. She was right, the curtains were gray and closed, making her worry more. Where was he? Silently making her way inside his room, she caught sight of him lying on his bed while clutching a pillow. 

Clothes were still scattered everywhere and the bottle of water on his nightstand was empty. She quickly approached his side, gently placing a hand on his forehead, only to find it burning with fever. He wasn't better, perhaps he was worse than how she left him the day before. 

"Why is he so stubborn..." She had to stop panicking and start looking for the things she needed. The towel she used the day before was still on the couch outside and everything felt like it was untouched. Then she approached Jake's bedside, gently placing the cool towel on his forehead, hoping to provide some relief from his fever. He didn't wake up, just stirred in his sleep. "You were acting all tough, but look at you now." 

Calling an ambulance was out of the question because Jake asked her not to, so she had to stay there, taking on the responsibility of caring for him as best she could. So, she went back to her apartment and grabbed everything she needed to cook him porridge. His kitchen was intact and it seemed he didn't eat for a while. 

"Why am I even bothered?" She was repeating to herself when she knew very well that she couldn't stop worrying about him. He was arrogant and so full of himself but that didn't matter when he needed someone to take care of him. She'd been there before, having her family live far away from where she was studying. 

While the porridge was cooked, Y/N took the opportunity to tidy up the apartment. She gathered the scattered clothes, folded them neatly, and placed them aside. She replenished the empty water bottle on his nightstand, making sure he had easy access to hydration. It was a small gesture, but she wanted to create a soothing environment for his recovery. However, the moment she opened the door to head out to her apartment, her heart dropped at the sight of a girl standing before her. 

Both their eyes were wide open as the two stared at each other, confused. "Who... are you?" Y/N hesitantly asked, her hand still on the doorknob. 

"I'm Jake's friend. Who are you?" Oh. Y/N didn't know how to answer that. What was she to Jake? The annoying neighbor?

"I live in the apartment across from here." She muttered and the girl nodded, before peeking inside. "Ah, Jake is sleeping. He's sick so-"

"He's sick?" Her eyes widened before she pushed Y/N out of the way and rushed inside, making her frown. "Jake! Are you okay?" 

When Y/N followed after her, the girl sat next to Jake and held him in her arms, trying to wake him up. And he did wake up, looking confusedly around him and at the two girls. "What..." He slowly sat up, putting his hands over his face before running them through his hair. "Why are you here?"

"Me?" Y/N pointed at herself, confused, and he just sighed heavily. "You shouldn't stand up-"

But it was too late because he stood up and walked out of the room, staring at the apartment that felt strangely unfamiliar. "Heran, did you clean the place? I smell porridge too."

"Oh?" She raised her eyebrows, looking at Y/N and then back at Jake. "Yes, I... I did. The porridge is about to finish cooking."

Y/N's stomach dropped as she stood there like an idiot. She couldn't comprehend how Heran could lie in such a situation but there was nothing she could do. She wouldn't want to put her in an embarrassing situation if she claims she was Jake's friend. So, she just ran her fingers through her head and sighed, turning on her heels before she walked out of his apartment.

"Wait-" Jake's voice made her stop as he held her wrist, but she yanked away her hand and frowned. "Why are you here?"

"I don't know. Maybe because she was making so much noise while she was cleaning your place and cooking for you." She scoffed. No matter how much she wanted not to be bitter about it, she was. And Jake, having no idea about Heran's lie, didn't like Y/N's attitude. He was ready to defend his friend if she came all the way and took care of him. If only he knew.

"Oh, I see." He laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Cleaning my place is such a terrible crime, isn't it? How dare she be considerate and helpful."

Y/N's heart sank as his words hit her with their bitter sting. The hurt in her eyes was quickly replaced by anger as she tightened her fists. She should have known better. It's not like she wanted to help, she told herself. 

"You're clueless. You better stay that way." She scoffed. "Go back and eat the porridge your friend had made for you. I'm sure it's going to be so good because she must have poured all her heart out. And... let's go back to being complete strangers-"

"Did you think we got close after one discussion?" He raised his eyebrow, smiling. Then he leaned in, his face close to hers. "You're clearly delusional."

And the next thing that happened was Y/N's hand colliding with his face, making the slap echo through the corridors. "Fuck you, Jake. If you so much as breathe next to me again, I will report you for sexual harassment."

Jake stumbled back, his hand pressed against his stinging cheek as he watched her walk away. 

That was it. The relationship came to an end before it even got to start.

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