14 - Dangerously Close

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"Ready to face the world again?" Sunghoon came back to the hospital along with Seojin when it was time for Areum to leave. Y/N pushed her wheelchair while the guys held her crutches, each one walking alongside her with a reassuring smile. 

"It's only been a night, Y/N. Plus a twisted ankle isn't going to keep me down for long." Areum rolled her eyes before she glanced at Sunghoon who gave her a soft smile. After he carried her on his back and ran to the hospital when she got hurt, the little crush she had on him started to turn into something deeper. His kindness and selflessness had made her heart flutter in a way she hadn't experienced before.

One of the guys from the guesthouse offered to give them a ride back to their place so when they stepped out of the hospital, the car was waiting for them. Seojin was about to help Areum out of the wheelchair but Sunghoon quickly stepped in, gently scooping Areum up in his arms. He shot a playful grin at Seojin. "I've got this, buddy."

Areum's cheeks turned a faint shade of pink as she wrapped her arms around Sunghoon's neck, her heart racing at their close proximity. The tenderness in his eyes as he held her close made her forget how to breathe for a moment, oblivious to Seojin who stood there, his heart sinking a bit. 

When they arrived at the guesthouse, Sunghoon carefully set Areum down on her feet, making sure she had her balance before letting go. She leaned on her crutches and smiled warmly at him. "Thanks for being my knight in shining armor."

Sunghoon chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Anytime, damsel in distress." Seojin watched the exchange, feeling like he was on the outside looking in. He always hesitated on confessing his feelings because he and Y/N weren't on good terms, but now that he was watching the two get closer, regret started to gnaw at him. Regret for not having taken the chance when it probably was there.

"You'll get used to these." Y/N smiled, shaking her head in amusement. "I never knew you'd look good in crutches. You really rock the injured look."

"I'm going to kick you." The two of them made their way to their room while Y/N helped her settle on the bed. "So, what are we going to do now? You said you wanted to go hiking."

"I will go hiking alone. Or with Seojin if he wants to. You, on the other side, get some rest and take care of your ankle." She replied with a teasing grin. "I don't want you tripping and making things worse."

"Fine Mom. I'll behave." Areum laughed, throwing a pillow at Y/N who started changing. "Aren't you going hiking today?"

"No. I think I'll go to the beach and swim a little. Then come back, shower, stay with you and write a new chapter for my book, have lunch, and then spend time with Seojin." She rested her hand on her hips and paused for a moment. "I'm also going to look for my heels."

"As if you'll find them. I'm sure someone has probably already claimed them."

"A girl can hope, can't she?" After packing her things and making a quick snack for Areum, she left the room and headed down to the beach, the sand warm beneath her feet and the sound of waves in her ears. She found a spot on the beach where the waves were gentle, and she set down her towel. The sun was already high in the sky, casting a warm and inviting glow over the sandy shore. Y/N took a deep breath, inhaling the salty sea air, and kicked off her sandals. She walked towards the water's edge, letting the foamy waves wash over her feet before a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Hey." Jake stood across from her, a backpack slung over his shoulder. She didn't expect to see him there, and honestly, she didn't want to. After he said he wouldn't believe her, she just wanted to distance herself from him. 

"Hey," She replied, her tone cautious.

"I found your heels." Her eyes went slightly wide when he said that, taking out a pair of elegant heels from his backpack. They were the ones she had left behind at the beach last night. 

Y/N blinked in surprise, her initial wariness giving way to astonishment as she looked at the heels he held in his hands. Her missing heels, which she had been half-convinced were gone for good, were now here in front of her. "You found them?"

"I was just passing by and I happened to spot them near the shoreline," Jake explained with a casual shrug. "Figured I'd pick them up in case they were yours." That was a lie. He spent the whole night looking for the heels after he realized she had forgotten them. When he saw how sad she was over losing them, he somehow couldn't ignore his conscience, even though he had acted dismissive before.

"Oh, thank you." He watched as she held them and kept silent for a while. "But I don't understand. Why would you go through the trouble of finding my heels?"

"I wouldn't go through the trouble to find your heels. I just happened to come across them while I was out here." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Why can't you just be thankful and move on? Can't we just leave it at this? I found your heels, you got them back, and that's that."

Y/N's eyes narrowed and she pressed her tongue against her cheek in irritation. "You don't get to decide when I'm supposed to move on, Jake. And don't think that finding my heels suddenly erases everything. You said you can't trust me. That means you think I'm some kind of liar."

"I never said you're a liar. I said I want to believe Heran because she's my friend."

"But it's the same thing! You basically accused me of lying-"

"You're a stranger, Y/N! Don't you understand? Am I supposed to believe you over a friend I spent years getting to know?" Jake's voice rose with frustration, making her clench her fists.

"Right, because you've known her for years and you've never been wrong about her, have you?" Y/N shot back, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "People change, Jake. Friends change. And just because you've decided that Heran is your one and only true friend doesn't mean you can dismiss everyone else."

Jake's face reddened, and he looked away, his jaw tight. "You don't know her like I do."

 Y/N's eyes blazed with anger, her cheeks flushed. "And you don't know me at all. But you know what, Jake? I don't need to prove anything to you. If you're so set on thinking the worst of me, then go ahead. I don't even like you. You're just another person I regret ever crossing paths with."

Jake's jaw clenched, his fists relaxing slowly. "Fine. I'm done with you. Choosing to spend the one-on-one outing with you was a mistake. And the dare is canceled."

"As if I was ever going to fall in love with you-"

"I still remember the way your heart was beating like crazy when you stood at my door a few weeks ago." He stepped closer, his eyes searching hers. "You can never deny the fact that I made your heart skip a beat. Even now, you can't look me in the eye without feeling something."

Her jaw clenched and her breath caught in her throat as she refused to let his words shake her. "You're deluding yourself if you believe I'm affected by you in any way."

"Oh yeah?" He raised his eyebrow, his tongue dangerously playing over his lower lip. "Then prove it. Prove that you can stand here, inches away from me, and not feel a thing." He leaned in closer, his voice low and challenging. "Come on, Y/N, show me your breath doesn't hitch when I'm this close-"

Y/N didn't how she could do it, but before she knew it, her lips were against his in a sudden and impulsive move. The world around them seemed to fade away as the shock of the moment consumed both of them. His lips were warm, softer than she had expected, and his hands, which had been at his sides, found their way to her waist, his touch setting her skin on fire.

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