36 - I Can't Lose You

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The two siblings sat in the police station the next day while Detective Park sighed and shuffled through some documents on his desk. "I'm not sure why he would lie to you and us about this, but we need to gather all the evidence and build a strong case," Detective Park said, glancing between Y/N and Seojin. "We're going to need your cooperation and patience as we proceed-"

"I'm not here to report Jake, Detective Park," Y/N' voice came out shaky but firm. She took a deep breath and continued, "I need to make something clear. I don't want to press charges or see him punished legally. I just want him out of my life."

Detective Park exchanged a puzzled look with Seojin, who was equally surprised by Y/N's declaration. "I... understand." He leaned back in his chair and regarded her with a serious expression. "I respect your decision, but I want you to understand what he did was a breach of trust and could potentially harm others as well. Are you certain about your choice?"

"I'm... I'm certain, Detective Park. I just want to move on with my life and put this behind me. I don't want to be entangled in a legal battle that will only prolong my pain." 

Seojin, who had been silent until now, held her hand and spoke up. "If she believes that not pursuing legal action is what's best for her, I stand by her decision. I understand the importance of the law, but Y/N's well-being is our top priority." 

The detective sighed again, recognizing the difficult position he was in. "I'll respect your wishes, Y/N. We will not pursue legal action if that's your choice, but his father will still be behind bars once we catch him. At least, that way, justice is served."

"That's enough for me." She knew it wasn't Jake's fault and she wasn't planning on making his life a living hell just because he lied to her, but she wasn't going to let him into her life either. He wasn't going to be a part of her future. Y/N had made up her mind to heal and move forward, leaving behind the painful memories and the person who had caused her so much anguish.

Yet, when she went back home with Seojin and found him standing at her door, it felt like a cruel twist of fate. The mere sight of Jake, the one who had hurt her so deeply, standing on her doorstep sent a shiver down her spine. Her heart raced, and she could feel her hands trembling. "Y/N..." He whispered her name like a fragile prayer, and for a moment, it seemed like the weight of his words could either break her or heal her wounded heart.

She stood there, Seojin behind her and almost protectively by her side. Y/N could just not bring herself to say anything. The words she had rehearsed in her mind seemed to escape her, leaving her speechless. "What do you want, Jake?" But Seojin had already asked the question on her behalf.

Jake's once so clear and vibrant orbs had dimmed, like stars veiled behind a shroud of gathering storm clouds. He took a hesitant step forward, careful not to ignite any more fear or anger in Y/N. "Can I... talk to Y/N?"

Seojin had to clench his jaw and tighten his fists to allow himself to be a decent person and not snap at someone Y/N still loved. When she glanced at him and he could understand that she indeed wanted to hear Jake out, he sighed and relaxed. "I'll let you two talk. If he ever tries to cross the line, Y/N, you call me right away." Seojin's protective instincts were still strong, but he trusted his sister to make the right decision for herself.

And then the two were alone inside her apartment, an uncomfortable silence hanging between them. Y/N couldn't bring herself to look directly at Jake, so she focused on a spot on the floor as she waited for him to speak. "How... have you been? I've been calling you but your phone was off," Jake said, attempting to break the ice with a feeble attempt at small talk.

"I've been better, Jake. But we're not here to discuss how I've been. We're here because you lied to me, and I need to understand why." Y/N finally met his gaze, her eyes hardened by pain and betrayal. But the way his eyes glistened with unshed tears caught her off guard. It made her choke out a sob but she quickly looked away, hiding her face in her hands. 

"You don't call me Jake... don't call me that, angel." He reached out hesitantly, afraid that she'd push him away with the pain still fresh in her heart. "I'm Jaeyun, hm? I'm your Jaeyun, the one you liked when you were young and the one you fell in love with, not the son of a criminal. Okay? I'm not-" He choked on his words, lowering his head while trying to speak through his sobs. "I'm not him."

The sight of Jaeyun, the person she had fallen in love with, so vulnerable and distraught, tore at her heart. She wiped her tears away with the back of her hand and tried to steady her voice. "I don't know who you are anymore. You lied to me about something so... you knew it would destroy me if I found out. You knew it would shatter my world!"

"But I was scared!" He slightly raised his voice, making himself vulnerable, not out of anger, but desperation. "I was scared of losing you. Look at us now. You won't even look at me. You won't even say my name. But I know. I know it's a terrible mistake and I deeply regret it. Everyday. But I just wanted for time with you. I wanted to hold you longer, I wanted you to look at me like I wasn't a monster's son, but as Jaeyun. Just a little longer."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she listened to his plea. "We slept in my bed... you held me and I felt so safe with you. Since the day my parents were gone, I've never felt safe. I love my family, I love Seojin's parents and I'm always grateful that they adopted me. But I've never once felt safe. Not until you. And that's why this hurts so much. You brought me a warmth that I'd longed for, and losing that feels like losing a piece of myself."

Jake dropped to his knees in front of her, his hands trembling as he reached out to touch her, but he stopped himself. "I love you, Y/N. My chest aches every time I think about the pain I've caused you. I would crawl through shattered glass to take it all back, but I know I can't. All I can do is beg for your forgiveness."

Y/N didn't trust herself to speak. Instead, she reached out a shaky hand, and without a word, she let him take it. Their fingers intertwined and he pulled her closer, his face buried in the crook of her neck. His arms wrapped around her waist and he cried, for every time he had hurt her, for the pain he had caused, for the trust he had shattered, and for the love he still felt for her. He held her tightly, as if afraid she might slip away, his tears soaking her shoulder. 

"I'm sorry, angel-" His voice muffled and he held her tight, clutching her as if he could never let her go, as if he could hold onto the fragments of their shattered love and piece them back together. 

Y/N gently stroked his hair as she whispered, "I need time. I need to sort out my feelings and heal."

"But you'll come back to me," He raised his head, his eyes red and his lips quivering as he searched her face for a sign of hope. "You'll find it in your heart to forgive me, won't you?"He held her hand that was cupping his cheek and kissed her palm, letting his lips linger on her skin. "Because I'm still so deeply in love with you. And I'll wait for as long as it takes, Y/N. I'm good at waiting. I'll wait for you until you can look at me and see the person you fell in love with, not the one who hurt you."

Her fingers gently traced his tear-streaked cheek and she nodded, making him understand that she wasn't closing the door on their relationship. And that was enough for him. All he wanted was for her to find him again, at the deepest parts of her heart where their love had once thrived.

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