11 - So Close Yet So Far

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Y/N's breath was ragged, but each gasp of air felt like a small release, a way to expel the pent-up emotions that had been building within her for so long. She dashed across the beach, her footsteps leaving imprints in the sand behind her. The salty breeze tugged at her hair and her legs grew tired before she slowed down, her chest heaving. 

She slowed to a stop, her hands resting on her knees as she caught her breath. The sun had dipped even lower, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink while she stood in front of the guest house, letting out a heavy sigh.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she wiped them away angrily. She was tired of feeling all these feelings alone and she was tired of letting her pain consume her.

Stepping inside her room, she closed the door behind her and leaned against it. The moment she thought she could have a peaceful vacation and just stop thinking of everything, Jake, her annoying neighbor, and her brother who never accepted her as his sister came to Jeju as well and now seemed to be a constant presence in her thoughts, mingling with everything that's been haunting her.

She let out a frustrated groan and walked over to her bed before she flopped down onto it, staring up at the ceiling as if seeking answers from the universe. "Why is the world so complicated?" She whispered, feeling the weight of her frustration pressing down on her. 

"Y/N?" Areum's voice called out from the other side of the door, interrupting her thoughts. Y/N's heart skipped a beat in surprise, and she quickly wiped away the tear that had escaped her eye.

"Yeah?" she replied, her voice slightly muffled as she sat up on her bed.

The door opened, and Areum stepped into the room, her expression soft and filled with concern. "I'm sorry about what happened. How are you feeling?" 

Y/N sighed, managing a faint smile. "I've just been feeling a bit overwhelmed, you know? I spend hours writing stories but I can never find the right words to describe how I feel or what I've been through. Everything is just so overwhelming. I wish I could write my own story  as effortlessly as I write fiction."

"Your story indeed deserves writing," Areum smiled softly, letting her back rest against the mattress. "It's beautiful. If people see it as a tragic story, I see it as a second chance. Not everyone gets to have a second chance, so in a way, the world smiled at you at some point."

Leaning back against the headboard, Y/N stared at the patterns on the ceiling. Areum's words were true. She wasn't home when the fire happened and took away her parents. She was chosen among all the other kids in the orphanage and given a chance at a new family, a new life. 

Y/N felt a sense of warmth spreading within her chest. "You're good with words."

"Now, that's my line. You literally made our professor cry." Areum laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. "But seriously, I mean every word. Start by being kind to yourself. Give yourself permission to take things one step at a time. You don't have to have all the answers right away. And if you think Seojin hates you then you're an idiot. Who comes all the way to Jeju for someone if they hate them? He obviously cares about you a lot."

"No. Mom asks him to spend time with me." Y/N's voice faltered, and her eyes dropped to her hands resting in her lap. "She thinks it would help us grow... closer."

"He could have said no." Areum's words made her look up with slightly raised eyebrows. "But he didn't. And that says a lot about him, doesn't it? It shows that he's willing to make an effort to make things right. I know he made you feel out of place but you know what? Try to understand him a little bit. A kid being told that he's going to have an adopted sister. His parents' love and attention, maybe even his own sense of belonging, might have felt threatened. It's not an excuse for how he behaved, but it's a perspective that might help you see things better."

Y/N sighed, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of the blanket. "Maybe you're right... thank you."

"That's what friends are for, right? To offer a different lens when you need it the most." She stood up, pushing the hair out of her face. "Now get your ass up and let's have a shower and get ready for tonight's party. I heard some hotties are going to be there. Maybe you can meet someone who takes your mind off all this family drama."

"You're incorrigible, you know that?" Y/N shook her head and Areum shrugged.

"That's why you love me." They laugh and the next moment they're doing each other's hair and makeup while listening to the playlist they spent a whole night making. Y/N sat in front of the mirror as Areum carefully applied mascara to her lashes. "Goddamn, you look stunning. Tonight is going to be epic, I can feel it."

"Thank you." Y/N smiled, doing a little dance in her chair. The familiar routine of getting ready with Areum always managed to lift her spirits, no matter what was going on in her life. 

Eventually, the two of them stepped out of their room with their high heels on. One of the other guests suggested to drive them to the party and they gladly accepted. The short drive was filled with laughter before they stopped in front of the venue and stepped out into the bustling evening air.

The place was filled with groups of friends gathering around, with handsome faces and beautiful smiles. Areum glanced at Y/N who just nudged her arm. But when her gaze landed on someone across the room, her heart seemed to skip a beat. There, leaning against the bar with a drink in hand, was Jake, staring her up and down, making her breath catch in her throat. 

"I think it's my cue to step out," Areum muttered and disappeared into the crowd, leaving Y/N alone at the entrance of the venue. Her heart raced inside her chest as she watched him make his way through the crowd and to her. 

"I didn't know you'd come." He said, stopping in front of her while she looked away and sighed. "How are you feeling-"

"I don't need your pity, Jake. I can handle myself just fine." Her words made him scoff, letting his tongue press against his cheek.

"Pity? That's the last thing I'd want you to think, Y/N." Jake shook his head, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Do you want to dance? We can... dance together."

Y/N risked a sidelong glance at him, her eyes briefly locking with his. "Where's Heran?" 

"She's sick. Pretty bad flu." He replied, his gaze steady on her face. "I made sure she had everything she needs and she's resting at home- why the fuck are you talking about her at a time like this?"

Y/N's lips tightened at his sharp tone. "I mean if she's sick, you're supposed to be with her and not me. Remember? She made you porridge and cleaned your house when you were feeling like shit."

"Why are you so bitter about this-"

"Because I took care of you, not her! I was the one who stayed with you all day, cooking for you, cleaning your apartment, and making sure you were comfortable. And then she came and lied to you and I knew you wouldn't believe me even if I spoke up. Why? Because she's your best friend and I'm just your annoying neighbor."

Jake's eyes widened at her words and he frowned, trying to understand what had just been revealed. "Wait... I thought it was Heran because she told me, and I just-"

"You believed her. Of course." She nodded, watching him reach to hold her hand but she pulled it away, shaking her head. "This is why I'm so bitter and this is why I don't want to see your face right now, Jake." With that, she turned on her heel and left, letting him rooted to his spot, your words replaying in his mind.

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