9 - Favorite Cardigan

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"What does that mean?" Y/N and Jake stood together when everyone went back to their rooms while she folded her arms over her chest and looked at him. "Why would you want to spend one-on-one time with me if you claim I annoy you?"

"I don't know, I didn't take it so seriously." He shrugged, leaning against the wall with his hands stuffed in his pockets. "Let's make a bet. You hate me and I hate you, but what if we spend time together, and whoever falls for the other first, loses the bet?"

"Seriously? Is that all you're thinking about?" She was irritated by his behavior and how he reduced her to a mere bet. 

"Are you scared that you might be the one to fall for me first?" He raised his eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

But Y/N rolled her eyes and let out a mock gasp. "I'm not scared of anything, least of all falling for you. Sure. You want a bet? I'll play along. I want to watch you slowly crack and realize that I'm not someone you can easily manipulate."

Jake nodded, seemingly amused by her response. "We have a deal, then."

"You're so unserious." Shaking her head in disbelief, she decided to play along with the bet, even though a part of her was hesitant about the whole idea. Y/N knew very well that silly games end up hurting people, and she didn't want to be a victim of her own emotions. However, there was also a small voice inside her that wanted to see where this would lead, to prove to herself that she could keep her feelings in check. 

After all, Jake wasn't the type of person she could easily fall for.

"How did you meet Sunghoon?" When she was about to turn and leave, his voice stopped her. "Not that I'm interested or anything, I'm just wondering how you, out of everyone, ended up meeting my childhood friend. It's too random to be a mere coincidence."

Y/N crossed her arms, leaning against the wall casually. "We go to the same campus, it's not that surprising that we'd cross paths."

"I don't know." He looked away, slightly tilting his head to the side. "You two seem close." 

"He seems like a nice guy, unlike someone." She rolled her eyes, making him scoff. "I'm a writer and he's an ice skater, not exactly a match made in heaven but two completely different worlds that happened to collide." There was this silence that hung in the air before she glanced at him, noting a flicker of something in his eyes, something almost vulnerable that disappeared as quickly as it came. "Is Heran also your childhood friend?" 

"No. We met during college," he replied, his gaze still averted as if he were remembering something. "But we've been close since then. She's a good friend, you know?"

"Yeah." Her reply was dry because she'd always be petty about the fact that he still didn't know it was her who took care of him, not Heran. But she knew she'd only be the bad guy if she ever revealed that truth. "I need to go."

"Wait-" He held her hand but she pulled her hand away from his grasp, biting her tongue, swallowing her words. "Why are you moody all of a sudden?"

"I'm not moody and I don't have to explain myself," She retorted, her frustration bubbling over.

"Okay, fine. You do you, I don't care." He threw his hands in the air, his tone filled with exasperation. Y/N spared him one last glance before she went back to her room, only to find Areum fast asleep. She took a quick shower and got in bed before she pulled out her laptop to write. 

Writing at night was her favorite escape. The quiet hum of the world settling down, and the absence of distractions, it all allowed her thoughts to flow more freely. All her feelings were poured out into words that danced across the screen. The scenes in her books were perhaps just a part of her imagination, but the feelings were undeniably real. Each character she crafted, each dialogue she penned, was a reflection of the emotions that swirled within her own heart.

If he smiled more often, he might actually be bearable. She read the words she wrote, making her pause, her fingers hovering over the keyboard. Then she just saved her draft and closed her laptop, resting her head on the pillow as she hugged the pillow closer. 

Writing had always been her refuge, but sometimes it felt like an escape that kept her from confronting the real world.

She recalled her first love and the first time she met him at the beach. How they were young yet she knew that he would linger like a tattoo kiss. How she felt like an old cardigan under someone's bed, yet he put her on and said she was his favorite. How he drew stars around her scars and turned her imperfections into constellations.

In the ink-stained nights, Y/N could rewrite their story, grant it the ending she had longed for – one where the two of them meet again and rediscover the spark that had ignited their hearts years ago. She imagined their paths crossing unexpectedly, like a plot twist that brings characters back together just when they need it most. 

Now, as she slowly closed her eyes, the two of them met in a bustling café on a rainy day, the scent of coffee and the sound of laughter filling the air.

"I really needed this." Areum let out a sigh as she lay on her towel on the sand, watching the waves roll in and out. She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and turned her head, her gaze finding Sunghoon who sat not far away She'd be a liar if she said she didn't think he was good-looking, and if she denied the fact that she would have dated him if he wasn't Y/N's new friend. 

She knew Y/N always struggled with her feelings, her adding to it all would only complicate matters further. So, she kept her thoughts to herself, buried under a friendly smile and casual conversation.

"Yeah, it's a pretty great day," Y/N muttered, feeling the fine grains of sand press against her skin. "This is a very well-deserved trip. I'd like to think that we've earned it." Her face lit up when she spotted Sunghoon at a distance, along with Jake and Heran who made her smile falter. "If only they didn't appear out of nowhere."

"I mean it's not that bad, we can all still have a good time together. Plus, Jake chose you for the one-on-one outing. That should mean something." Areum's raised eyebrow and smirk made her roll her eyes. "I'm just saying, it's interesting that he picked you."

"You and your matching schemes." Standing up, Y/N told her that she'd take a quick walk along the shoreline to clear her mind. The soft sound of the waves provided a soothing backdrop as she walked, allowing her thoughts to roam freely.

As she strolled along the beach, the cool breeze rustling her hair, she watched Sunghoon make his way to Areum and a smile crept onto her lips. She loved seeing her friends interact and have a good time. Lost in her thoughts, Y/N didn't notice someone approaching until their voice cut through the air. "Good day, isn't it?" It was Heran who stood there with an unreadable expression on her face. 

"Yeah, it is," Y/N replied, her voice betraying bitterness. 

"I'm sorry about what happened the other day, but I had to lie. See, I like Jake, for a long time actually. I'm thankful you took care of him but I couldn't sit and watch him become interested in someone else." She shrugged, folding her arms over her chest. "I hope you understand and I hope you refuse that little dare Sunghoon made. It's actually just a game so you can easily refuse to go out with him on that special outing."

Y/N's jaw slightly tightened as she absorbed Heran's words. The bitterness she had been feeling earlier seemed to intensify. "Does he know that you're scaring off potential competition?"

Heran scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. "I couldn't care less about what he thinks. I know what I want, and I'm not about to let someone else sweep in and take it away from me." The sharp tone made Y/N's eyes narrow as she studied her. Then she smiled. 

"I'm not planning on 'sweeping in' or taking anything away from anyone." She shook her head, making sure Heran got her point. "But trust me, if I set my mind on making him fall for me, you'd be no competition at all."

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