31 - Secrets In Han River

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"You're in a good mood." The day after, Areum visited Y/N in her apartment before she frowned at the new door lock. "Why did you change the lock?"

"Well," She shrugged, a faint smile lingering on her lips. "Jake helped me with it. He wanted to make sure I feel safe."

"Why? Did something happen?" Areum's question took Y/N off guard and she let out a heavy sigh. Areum knew that Minho was a son of a bitch and the worst asshole Y/N had ever come across. She couldn't even understand how she ended up dating him in the first place, but when she told her about what happened, her eyes widened like she had just uncovered a shocking secret. "What a fucking freak. Oh my God, are you okay? I mean you obviously aren't okay, but did he hurt you?"

"He did grab my hand and it hurt a little, but now it's fine. Jake gave him a very good punch to the jaw and it really felt satisfying," Y/N admitted with a slight chuckle. "Honestly, having Jake around makes me feel safe. He even spent the night with me because I said I had nightmares sometimes. He's actually a very caring guy. You used to make fun of me for not being able to forget my childhood crush, now you see why."

"Well, it seems like Jake has turned out to be a real hero for you. I guess I can't blame you for holding onto that crush after all." She sighed, patting Y/N's shoulder. "I feel like you and Jake are either endgame or it's just going to end in a very heartbreaking way. Him being a witness to your parents' accident makes me uneasy. Too many coincidences for comfort, you know?"

Y/N nodded, her smile fading a little. "I know what you mean. It's all so strange, but at the same time, it feels like fate has brought us together for a reason. I just hope that reason is something positive in the end, you know?"

"I hope so," Her friend's gaze lingered on her for a moment before she shrugged. "Anyways, that bastard should rot in hell for what he's done to you."

"I'm planning on getting a restraining order against him, and we also have the CCTV. But I don't think he'll easily give up. His father is wealthy, he would likely try to use his influence to protect him."

"That doesn't matter. Detective Park can help, you know? I think he's a trustworthy person, and he'll make sure justice is served," Areum reassured her. "You have good people on your side." 

That earned a soft smile from Y/N who sat down across from her friend and opened her laptop to start writing a new chapter for her ongoing book. It was her free day and she was eventually going to spend the afternoon with Jake because he had dance practice in the morning. When Areum left for work, she spent her morning sipping on her now cold coffee and typing away, the comforting sound of the keys clacking filling the room.

She loved what she created. It was incredibly comforting to pick words and put them together to eventually craft a story that was entirely her own. Her phone vibrated on the table next to her laptop, indicating a message from Jake. I'm done with practice for today. Hope you're enjoying your morning. I love you.

A warm smile spread across Y/N's face as she read Jake's message. She took a picture of her laptop screen with the ongoing chapter she was working on and replied to Jake. Spending the morning writing. Take some rest. I love you too. 

Texting like that made her feel like a high schooler who had just fallen in love and it made her smile wider. And when it was time for their date, Y/N carefully chose her outfit, wanting to look her best for him. With a final glance in the mirror, she grabbed her bag and headed out of her apartment to find Jake waiting for her outside. He was leaning against his car, looking effortlessly handsome as always. 

When he spotted Y/N approaching, his face lit up with a bright smile, and he pushed himself out of the car to greet her with a warm hug. Jake whispered in her ear as he held her close. "Hey, angel."

Y/N's heart fluttered at his words, and she nestled into his embrace. "Hey, Jaeyun,"  Calling him by his name made him chuckle softly, his breath tickling her ear. "How was practice?" She slid inside his car and the two would just talk about anything and everything until they made it to the Han River where they were going to hold a picnic. He had prepared all kinds of snacks and when they lay the mat on the grassy bank of the Han River, it was a perfect evening.

"I've never gone on a picnic," He muttered, their shoulders slightly brushing against each other. She loved how simple the date was yet how meaningful it felt. "But I wanted to do something special for you." While the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Jake leaned in and kissed Y/N softly. "Let me take a picture of you." 

The scene was breathtaking. Y/N held one of the snacks next to her cheek and flashed him a playful smile as Jake snapped a picture of her, making sure to capture the beautiful sunset in the background. "Is it pretty?"

"You're pretty." Y/N felt her cheeks heat up at Jake's compliment, and she couldn't help but giggle. It was moments like these, simple and intimate, that made her feel truly alive.

"Okay, I'll give it to you, you're good." The way he smiled and blushed at her compliments was utterly endearing. Y/N found herself falling even deeper for him at that moment, appreciating the genuine happiness he made her feel. 

Jake chuckled, his hand finding hers and intertwining their fingers. "I'm glad you think so. I just want to make you happy." 

"You do, Jake. You really do." It was his plan for the start, anyway. He knew it was wrong, but he was going to make her live a happiness-filled life after everything she had been through, so when the day arrived when she'd get to know the truth about his father, if she ever left him, that happiness would linger like a bittersweet memory. She'd remember how much he loved her and not think of hating him for the cruel things his father had done. 

Yet, perhaps, that day was coming sooner than he expected. When Heran stood in front of the two of them with angry, red eyes and fists looking like they could break bricks, Jake's heart sank. She was the only person who knew a few bits of the terrible secret about Jake's father.

"Jake," Harin's voice was strained, trembling with rage. "What the fuck are you doing with her when you're not even answering my calls or my texts?" Her voice grew louder and Jake had to stand up and stop her from making a scene in the middle of the park where they had been having their picnic.

"Let's not do this here-"

"No, we're doing this right here, right now. You can't expect me to carry on with my life like nothing happened between us. I'm your childhood friend, Jake, I'm the one who needs to have your heart. Hm? I know every single thing about you, Jake, I'm the one who's been there for you through thick and thin!"

"Heran!" Jake ran his fingers through his hair, looking around and at the people who started staring at them like they were watching some drama unfold. "For fuck's sake..."

Y/N couldn't just sit and watch so she stood up as well, walking closer to Heran who raised an eyebrow at her. "It seems like you enjoy ruining whenever Jake and I have a moment together."

"And who the hell are you? What do you even know about him? Stop acting like you know everything!" Heran shot back, her anger flaring up again.

"I don't have to-"She was about to speak when Jake pulled away from Heran and held both her shoulders. 

"Go home, Y/N." To say her heart sank would be an understatement. She looked at Jake, her eyes filled with disappointment and sadness. He could see the hurt in her eyes, and it pained him to see her caught up in the crossfire because of Heran who knew things she shouldn't. 

"Fine, Jake. I'll go home." Not calling him 'Jaeyun' was a clear sign of her disappointment and hurt. And he watched as she reluctantly grabbed her bag and walked away from the two of them, making his guilt and regret weigh even heavier on him.

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