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Catherine's pov

I spent my day with Mom. My only relative is my mom. Our world was small. Me and my mom. Then James came along with his family.

It's been a long time since we spent time together. It brings back the old memories. I feel lighter today. I think she understood the change in my behavior, but she didn't ask me anything. Thank god. I don't know how I should answer the questions.

I was driving back to our home, but my car stopped suddenly. I tried to start it again, but it was not starting. There are no subways or buildings here. My car is not working. So I messaged James. But usually, James won't pay attention to my messages. For the first time, he answered quickly. He probably gets worried about me, I thought. James messaged that he would pick me up. I waited for him. I called the workshop people, and they took the car with them.

"Hey lady, do you want us to drop you off?" the repairer asked.
"It is hard to get a vehicle from here. Especially at this time. We will drop you off at the subway, he added.
"No, thank you. My husband is on the way, I answered. They nodded.

James already agreed to pick me up, and how on earth do I believe a stranger? They tied my car to another vehicle and went.

I waited for James. Time goes by, and it gets darker.

Suddenly, the rain started falling. I don't have a place to stand. I ran under a tree.

It's been 3 hours that I have been waiting for him. Did he seriously forget about me? Isn't he home yet? If he is at home, he can understand that I am not there. If he can't pick me up, then why did he say OK? I am a fool to believe him, and I waited for these hours in a strange place. All the thoughts ran through my mind.

I took my phone and dialed Cerena. She picked up the phone on the second ring.
"Serena, are you free now? " I asked.
"Yeah," she answered.
"Can you come and pick me up?" I asked her. It is already night. I don't want to bother her, but I don't have another choice. My body is shaking from the cold.
"What happened to your car? " she asked.
"Break down," I answered shortly.
" Okay. Where are you now? " she asked worriedly. I heard the sound of keys.
"I will send you the location." I hang up the call and send the location.

Rain was pouring heavily. My whole body is soaking. The wet dress was sticking to my skin. I was shivering from the cold. The rain is blocking all the views. The smoke is spreading everywhere. I thought about James. What is he doing now? What is he doing now that makes him forget his wife? Didn't I have any importance in his life?

A car light came in my direction. And Cerena ran towards me with an umbrella. "Come inside.". She opened the door for me, took a towel, and gave it to me.
I wiped my face and started drying my wet hair.
She started the engine and drove to our place.

"I never imagined that you were a fool," she told me while her eyes were on the road.
I laughed, but the sound didn't come out.
"Why are you standing in the rain? " she asked, her eyes still on the road.
"I called James, and he told me that he would come to pick me up," I answered, making her laugh.
"And you waited for him? " she said, angry.
"Yes," I answered.

"When did you message him? " was the question I didn't want to answer.
When?"  Without getting an answer, she asked again in a high voice.
"Almost at six," my voice was low.
"You were standing under the rain for more than three hours." This time her eyes are on me. It was widely opened.
She didn't ask anything further. We stay there in a comfortable silence.

She stopped the car. I looked at my home. There is no light. So he is not at home. He is still in office, which is why he forgot about the message. I got inside and took a hot shower. I took the phone and dialed James. He was not answering. I hope he won't search for me in that place. So I messaged, "I reached home."

Time passed, but James was not at home.

I think he is not coming today. I lay on our bed and fell asleep.

Next day

I opened my eyes, and it was already afternoon. I lay there. My body felt tired. I can't open my eyes.

My body is burning. I feel too tired to walk. I reached the cupboard and took some pills from there. I took the pills with water and slept for more time.

I woke up hearing the calling bell. I stood up from the bed and slowly walked to the bathroom. I was sure that it was not James. He has the keys with him. My body is tired. I dragged myself to the door and opened it. It was James's sister, Susan. She was standing outside with a wide smile.

"Hi Cat," she wished. Before I could react, my body fell to the floor. The cold tile touched my body.

I heard her calling my name and shaking my body, but I was nowhere to react.

Third pov

Susan came to James House to meet her brother and sister-in-law but she never imagined her sister-in-law would faint in front of her. She called 911, and they brought her to the hospital. Susan dialed her brother, but he was not available. Then she called her parents in panic. They both came to the hospital quickly.

"Susan, what happened to Catherine? " James's dad asked.
"I don't know, Pa. She fainted in front of me, Susan said to her dad.
"She was a patient before. Now this. God, don't test my child more," James's mom prayed.
"Mom, her body was burning," Susan said.

The doctor came outside.

"How is Catherine?" Dad asked.
"She is fine," the doctor informed me.

They felt relieved.
"Where is James? " Mr. Jordan asked Susan. He was worried about Catherine because he didn't notice his son's missing.

"I tried to reach him many times, but he is still unavailable," Susan said annoyingly.
"What an irresponsible boy!" Mr. Jordan is fed up with his son's behavior. He was already messing with company matters, and now he is with his wife.
"I have already messaged him," she added.

They were sitting in the room where Catherine was sleeping.
"Dad and mom, you guys can leave. I will stay with her, Susan said.
"No, Susan. I should stay with Catherine after all, James was not here yet, and Mr. Jordan cut her off.
"James can be here at any time, and it's already late, Dad," Susan continued. She knows they are old.
After some time, they left.
Susan sat in the chair beside the bed and laid her head on the table.

After a lot of time, there was a knock on the door. Susan opened it. It was James. There were a lot of questions that Susan wanted to ask, but she stopped herself. He looks like he was in a marathon. His shirt is wrinkled. His hair is messy. The buttons were mismatched.

"How is Catherine?" he asked from the doorstep.
"Sleeping"—Susan's voice is strange. James felt the bitterness in her tone.
James looked at the bed. Catherine was sleeping soundly. Susan's eyes are still following James. She casually observed his movements.
"You can leave, Susan. I will stay with  Catherine, James said, not making eye contact with Susan.
"Where were you, James? " Susan asked.
James was thinking of a lie to shut Susan up.
"You were not in the house, and you were not in the office. Then where were you? " Susan again asked.
"I was with my friend," James muttered.
"Which friend? " Susan didn't stop.
"You don't know," he answered. It was evident that he was lying. Susan understood it.

Susan took her bag and walked out of the room. That is when James released the breath he was holding. He looked at the woman sleeping in the bed. She became skinny. The charming face was now dull. The memories came to his mind. school life. The way they started loving each other. The day they got married. He stood from the chair and tried to touch her face, but stopped when his phone pinged.

It was Elena. Her message woke him up. He sat back on the chair and started chatting with her. Then he forgot about the woman lying in the hospital bed. He didn't even ask the doctor about her condition.

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