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Catherine pov

The morning traffic is really hard. It takes an extra half an hour to get through it. I was skating to reach my destination on time. The staff laughs at me.
Next, Donna ran like me, and after her, it was Sebastian. It was an entertainment program for others.
The staff near the office is always late.
No, not late. But on time.

I started with the files on my table.
I have less work today. My colleagues are running with their files. I sat looking at my laptop, acting busy. This is the first time I've sat freely. But I feel guilty for it.

But it doesn't last much.

"Who is free here? "Sara asked from the door.
"Me," Henry said, raising his hand. Of course, he is always free.
"Then go to the boss's room," she said to Henry. But hearing boss, he slowly withdrew his hand.
"Why? " he asked with a frightened voice.
"There are some works there," she said.
"No way. Cat is  free, he pointed at me.
"Me? " I pointed towards myself.
"Then, get up, Catherine," she said. I have no other option. Shutting my laptop, I stood up from the seat, giving Henry a death glare.
"Go, cat, or the boss will get angry," he said, winking at me.
"Wait for me, Henry," I warned him.
He pushed me to go fast and went back to the video game.

I went to my boss's room. Dominic was busy with a call. I waited for him to finish.

"What are you doing here, Catherine?" he asked. But the tone he used to me is sweet. It is always like that.
"Sara said there are some works here," I said very respectfully.
"Okay, sit here." He pulled a chair next to him and asked me to take my laptop.

I took the laptop and sat in the chair he pulled for me.
We sat near. Very near. The room temperature is quite high now. Especially sitting next to him.

I glance at him each time. What they are saying is true; he is really handsome. The green eyes are looking at the screen. The red lips are parted. His long fingers have a high speed for typing. The top buttons on the shirt are opened.

"Is it hard to concentrate, cat? " he asked. I felt myself blushing. But he was still facing the screen. Then, as he knows, I am checking him out.
" No. I am  working. I continued to work. My typing speed has been reduced to half. There was a variation in my breath too. I stopped thinking about him and concentrated on the file.

"Boss, what should I fill here?" I asked him, pointing at a column.
He pulled the chair closer to him. My shoulder is touching his chest.
He typed on my keyboard. His hands are touching mine. There is an electric feeling in that simple touch.
I was gulping in each second, but he was normal.

"Cat, are you hungry? " he asked in my ears with a hoarse voice. What did he mean by this?. I think it has another meaning.
"What? " I asked, stuttering.
"I mean food," he said, laughing. Did I embarrass myself?

Dominic dialed the office phone.
"A burger and an orange juice.""Fast, he ordered.
After a few seconds, there was a knock on the door.
The assistant placed a burger and orange juice on the table like Dominic ordered.

"I ordered this for you," he said, and he gave me the burger and juice.
"Thank you," I said shyly. When did I start having these feelings?
"You like orange juice, right?" he confirmed. Looking into my eyes. I want to tell him to stop looking at me like that.
"How you know?" I asked, biting the burger.
"I knew,  he said, bu he didn't say anything more.
"Don't you want to eat?" I asked him. If he wants to, there is nothing left. But it was a courtesy, right? He faced me and answered, "I will eat something else." He winked at me.

He was still clicking on my laptop, and "This," he answered, went back to his laptop. I was still in a daze. I composed myself and started working again. If there is any more work, I will do it from my table. It is hard to concentrate here.

After hours, I completed.

"Done, I said, "and he came to see my work. Our faces are near. The cheeks are touching. I can hear his breathing.
"Good,", he said. I looked at him, and he looked at me at the same time. Our lips are inches away. A move can make his lips kiss mine. The noses are touching. I can't move forward or backward. He is also not backing.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
"There is a visitor for Catherine, "Sara called from the outside of the door.

I stood abruptly and ran to the door. If there is no knock, then what will happen? I didn't turn back to see his expression.

I walked to the visitor room to see my visitor. I looked there to see Jordan.

"Hi da", I stopped in the middle. I am not his son's wife now. So how can I address him as my dad? But his answer was different.
"Call me dad cat like before," he said. He was waiting for me. He gave me permission to call him dad.
"Why are you here, dad? " I asked him.
"I came to see you, cat," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"How are you? " he asked. His eyes have tears.
"Fine, dad," I answered.
"I want to tell you that I will always be there for you," he came to promise me.
"You gave your dad's position to me, and you will always be my daughter," he said.
"Thank you, dad." It was a new joy in my life. After James, I thought I had lost many things in my life. But now I understand that what is mine will always stay with me.
"How is working here? " he asked.
"Great dad," I assured him.
"AR Company is the best," he said. Yes, working here is the best decision of my life.
"I know, dad," I said.
"So I am not bothering you at your office time. But never forget this old man. Come home often. I miss spending time with you, fighting over football teams, and cooking all with you.
"I will come, dad," I reassured him.
I didn't know there was a stone in my heart, and now it has been removed.

I had no father figure in my life. I considered Jordan to be my dad. But after the divorce, I thought I lost the right. But no. I still have a dad in my life.

I went back to work. This time, I didn't go to Dominic's room. I sat on my chair and worked from there.


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