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Catherine's pov

My mind is filled with many questions. It was 5 in the morning, and I was wide open. Cerena brought me home. I was lying on the couch with my head on her lap. She stayed with me the whole night. I don't remember how I reached home.

Fresh tears are rolling down my eyes. She was patting my head. I thought about my memories with James. There are no problems between us. We don't have fights. I have always been faithful. Then what went wrong?

"Cat, sleep a little," she said calmly.

Can I sleep? I want to disappear.

Cerena holds my hand, making sure there is someone with me. I didn't get tired of being reminded of the same scene. James was walking with a girl, holding her close. They seemed pretty close. Is she his colleague? I didn't see her face. Am I overthinking? Or is it something I should be worried about? 

My eyes are glued to tears. The clock shows 7 a.m.
Cerena is sleeping in her sitting position. My head is still on her lap. Her palm is on my head. I sat on the couch. She woke up from her sleep by my movements.

"Cat, do you want to sleep?" she asked carefully.
"No." I stopped with a single word. I don't want to.

My hair is a mess. She fixed my hair. I sat there like a child.
"Cat, go and wash your face," she encouraged me. But I didn't move.
"Cat, please. You can't sit like this forever." Her tone is so thin. There are dark circles under her eyes. She didn't get sleep last night because of me.

Without getting any response, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom. I looked at myself. There is a mark of teardrops on my face. My face is emotionless. The eyes are puffy. Lips are dry.

I splashed water on my face many times. The eyes look dry. It is empty now. I stand under the shower. I don't feel anything. I didn't feel chilled. I stayed there for hours. Serena went to her house. She told me she would be back after a quick shower.

I dried my hair. The dresses I bought last day were still lying in the hall.

Third pov.

Cerena took a quick shower. She never expected that shopping would change her friend's life. She saw James holding a girl's hand and walking into his car. At first, she thought it was not him. But it was James. They laughed and stayed in each other's arms like couples. She walked towards him but couldn't catch them.

Catherine trusts James blindly. So she never gave a second thought to whatever he said. She believed his excuses easily. She never questioned his late-night calls, sudden business trips, ignoring messages, or forgetting important dates. He always says busy, and the cat buys it.

Cerena went to Catherine's house. She went straight to her bedroom. But the cat was not there. She knocked on the bathroom door, but there was no answer. So she opened the door, and it was empty. She looked around the house, but the cat was not there. Cerena started getting tense. Her vision became blurry.  Why did she let Cat alone? She blamed herself.

Cerena called Catherine's number, but she didn't take her phone with her. Her phone was on the table. She ran towards the garage, but her car was not there.

Cerena panicked. Catherine is not in the right state. She has no clue where to search. Catherine has no other friends here. She has never gone anywhere without informing me.

Cerena took Catherine's phone from the table. It was ringing.
She remembered that guy. The guy dropped them off the other day. She assumed that they were best friends.

"Finally, you took the phone, Catherine. I am sorry, I was harsh yesterday. "It was from the other end.
Hello," Serena responded shakingly.

"Who's this? Where is Catherine? Is she still mad at me? " he asked one by one.
"I.. I... ", her voice betrayed her.
"What? " Wad was impatient. He knows that he was a bit rough with Catherine yesterday. Wad was already mad at her for marrying this guy. James was not a nice person. He acts all nice, but he is not.

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