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Blackbeard was trying to find ways to approach the dead body of Whitebeard with no avail. He wasn't a fool to believe that he would win against the commanders, even with his fruit and the Level 6 prisoners backing him up.

"Commanders, you really are a pain in the ass," Teach gritted his teeth in anger. "Black hole!!" He punched the ground, making the darkness to reach the commanders and trying to suck them in. But he didn't account to the fact, that they were hell a fast and they have seen him fighting with Whitebeard and use the attacks.

"Was that Ace who told to interfere in my plans?!! Or his little brother?!" Teach asked nastily.

Teach had known from the first time he had encountered that happy go kid that he had instincts of a diamond. The first time when he had shouted at him, he had learned to not be near the brat's range, to avoid him and to let his plans sail safely. [A/n: So, in some alternate world, something like this happens: Ace is being recruited by Whitebeard and Luffy and Sabo are on board for a while when they meet Teach, who sat just beside Luffy and tried to approach him but Luffy shouted on him to stay away.]

No one other than that brat can tell or feel what he was about to do. And the second time he met the brat, he would have died if not for the spring of water which had separated them. [A/n: Talking about the starting of Skypeia arc or ending of Jaya Island.]

"It doesn't matter. You will die here today, yoi," Marco said with disgust laced in his voice.

The Whitebeard commanders were exhausted, tired and grief stricken, but they knew not to let a traitor and killer of their Pops go easily. The commanders were already attacking the new pirates of Blackbeard pirates. And Teach could feel in his bones that they would be defeated.

"ZEHAHAHAHA!!!! I WILL REACH MY GOAL WITH IT OR WITHOUT IT!!" Blackbeard yelled. He would never let go of what he was planning. He will find the fruit and become the strongest man in the World. He will hunt down the brat for destroying his plan, he would never forgive him.

The pirates gritted their teeth in anger. And all Ace wanted to do was pound Blackbeard to the ground, but he had brothers to protect. One unconscious. He couldn't afford to do anything reckless right now, specially not while the Red Dog was chasing them.


On other side, Ivankov fell down with Inazuma in tow. Ace and Sabo gritted their teeth in anger and wanted to fight. They wanted to kill that bastard, but it was not the right time. They needed to leave. The pirates shot bullets at Akainu, but with no result.

The winds were raging between the brothers and Akainu. Sabo and Ace felt safe in the familiar arms of the winds, which they had grown to. Their Dad was here and now they can leave the battlefield finally and get Luffy to rest.

Akainu's magma fist for the brothers got deflected with ease due to a giant gust of wind to another site of the Marine ford containing marines. A figure in cloak stood backing the trio brothers facing towards Akainu. 

"Get out of the way!" Dragon said in a pissed off voice to Akainu, and with a punch threw Akainu on his butt. "I have a lesson to teach you, bastard!"

"If we reach the sea, I'll have advantage!!" Jimbei yelled, taking in the opportunity. "We can escape!!" They jumped from the square finally, but it was all ice below, no sea. Their luck couldn't be more worse. On their tail was the Red Dog, but engaged with Dragon, but that doesn't mean he will give up on the trio brothers.

Akainu wiped his mouth and snarled, practically boiling. "Dragon! Why have you come to interfere with this matter? Those boys will be executed why get involved?"

Alternate Marineford!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon