This is ridiculous, really... (Chapter 4)

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Sooooo, I'm getting a lot less votes than usual.... :( Do you guys think you could help w/ that???? :D Thanks for Vommenting and please VOMMENT!!!! This might be one page.....


Finally! It was lunch time. Turns out Mr. Hot Stuff is in ALL of my classes. Not just the four classes I've already had, but all of them (except for chorus, but he's in my art class). How do I know this? Of course, I found out just like a normal person would.


It was Gym, two periods after Chem. I had taken an alternate route to get to the Gym; the one by the school's boiler room (I don't know what a boiler room is, just that it smells). It was usually empty and was an easy way to avoid being teased by the popular kids.

As I walked down the hallway I saw the back of a head with suspiciously familiar dark brown messy hair. That head was connected to a body that was entangled in a sticky hot mess with some blond girl wearing a skirt that barely covered her butt. Seriously, it was so intense, I couldn't even see who the two people were. Not that I wanted to. It was absolutely disgusting.

I picked up the pace and continued down the deserted hall (with the exception of those two wonderful people).

Then I heard footsteps behind me so I picked up the pace. This was so not the time to be shoved into a locker. I couldn't let myself be bullied this much in SENIOR year.

I turned around, ready to tell whoever was stalking me to back off. Then I saw who it was and rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"You know, most girls would be dying for me to talk to them, much less look at them."

I rolled my eyes. "Right, well in case you haven't noticed, I'm not like most girls."

"And why is that?" The tone of his voice was so serious that I turned to face him. My baby blue eyes locked with his electrifying bright blues ones. We stood there, watching each other for what seemed like an eternity. I forced myself to snap out of our trance and turned my attention to the floor, suddenly interested in the linoleum. I could feel my cheeks burning up.

"You didn't answer my question," he pestered insistently.

Suddenly, I was full out ranting and I didn't even know why. "Obviously I'm not most girls- I'm a nerd. I am an outcast beyond all outcasts and I get teased more often than you could possibly imagine. A girl like me who used to have a perfect life, completely changed in high school for no apparent reason at all. Now I'm the loser everyone teases. I have no social life at all-and I haven't had one for the past three years. Why do you want anything to do with me? You should just leave. People like me aren't meant to be with people like you. Stop pretending you like me and go waste your breath on someone who cares."

I felt my eyes threaten to spill tears and I had no idea why. I also had no idea why I had just given this random stranger my whole life's story. I didn't even know his name! I glared at him and tried to hold my tears back in hopes of looking brave.

It didn't work. One tear escaped, slipping slowly down my pale cheek. What was the point of this morning's pep talk again? I turned around, determined not to be affected by the boy who for some reason, managed to change my emotions so drastically. It was amazing how much a single person could get on your nerves. I'd only known Mr. Hot Stuff for half a day.

"What's wrong?" he inquired.

"What's your problem?" I huffed at him. Couldn't he see how I didn't want him here? It was bad enough I was already crying.

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