Gone (Chapter 14)

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Happy New Years everyone :) Hope you enjoy! Can I get alot of votes to show how awesome my fans will be for this new upcoming year ;) ?????? THANKS!

Enjoy! P.S.


"Hey, so when is Emma coming? All you told me last week was that her flight was delayed and your mom was helping them get a flight back here."

"Mmmm..." He looked up at me.

It was hard to believe a month had gone by since I first met Asher. It was now the second week of September. Every day of last week, since the afternoon I almost drowned, I'd been hanging out with Asher (because he forced me too). Surprisingly, he'd managed to keep up the nice guy act. I was beginning to wonder if it was an act. Maybe Asher was genuinely nice.

We were in his room. He was lying on the floor trying to find out where his video game controller was. I was on my stomach laying on his bed, looking over the side perving at his butt. Not that I would admit it to him.

He flipped around and came out with a box of what looked like tissue paper. Upon closer inspection I realized they were.......you know. Asher threw the box at me, smirking.

"Eww! Get those things away from me! I have no desire to touch the nasty stuff you plan to use on your man parts," I shuddered.

He winked. "You know you want me."

I scoffed. "Yeah right. When is Emma coming?" I pestered him.

Ever since we started 'dating' the girls at my school started to hate me. Even more than they used to. It's not like they had the nerve to say anything to me, they just showed me with their actions. Believe me, the saying actions are more powerful than words is true. I have the bruises to prove it. I was shoved into lockers, locked in bathrooms, they 'accidentally' dumped food on me, and scratched vulgar language onto my locker. I didn't have any girl friends because they were all jealous of my friendship with the irresistible player, Asher.

I rolled my eyes. Give me a break.

I was looking forward to meeting Emma. Maybe we could hang out and I could actually get a friend who wasn't a guy (besides Kara of course).

Asher stood up with the controller to his Xbox and started to untangle a mess of wires. "Emma is coming next week," he said.

"Okay," I tried not to sound too enthusiastic.

He raised in eyebrow. "Why are you so excited? You've never even met her before."

I lied easily. "Yeah, well is it strange for me to be excited to see the one girl you're not interested in getting into your pants?"

He rolled his eyes. "You know I've changed. Its not like I do that anymore."

I sighed inwardly. Surprisingly, Asher did keep to his promise of not having sex with any other girls. He did flirt shamelessly with them, but then again, what guy didn't? However, only two weeks had gone by since he made his promise. He could change. "Yeah, I know. All the girls at school think we're secretly dating and that I made you promise not to go see other girls and fuck them. They all hate me."

He smirked. "Potty mouth."

I glared at him. Was that all he cared about? My cussing? He was so frusterating sometimes. I had been waiting for him to hurry up over the past hour. Maybe half an hour. But still. It was the same thing. He wasted my time and then annoyed the crap out me. The only reason I bothered to stay was because he was my ride and I refused to walk home (because of my cast, otherwise I would have no complaints). I had no idea what his stupid problem was. He was so infuriating!

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