Daddy's back (Chapter 16)

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Okay, my ipad that I used to upload with was taken away from me because of two bad test grades D: I don't even know where my ipad is 'cause I had to give it to my strict dad. I can't upload. My dad is STILL pissed though, every since last friday so.... I can't ask him for it back 'cause i'm too chicken. LOL though. He didn't ban me from the laptop, and if he meant it, he didn't say I just got access to it. Shhhh! I promised an upload 3 weeks ago....but yeah. Sorry ;/ Can I get 6 votes? Please?


"OW!" Asher cried, "Why'd you hit me with a pillow?"

"You jerk," I exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me you knew me before?"

He shrugged. "I didn't think it was a big deal. Besides, what difference does it make? I was gone for thirteen years after that anyways."

I smacked him again. "Assh*le! When did you realize I was the girl next door?"

He smirked and grabbed the pillow, using it to yank me towards him. I smacked his chest and he wrapped his strong, warm arms around me. "The first time I saw you, in the hallway at school. You still had the necklace."

I frowned. "And you were still mean to me that whole time even though you knew me?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Who cares? You forgave me, didn't you?"

"Yeah," I grumbled, "But still, you made me cry."

"Oh, shut up you big cry baby."

I grinned evily. "Speaking of cry babies.... I can't believe you used to be scared of your own reflection!" I burst into laughter.

"My dad is so gonna get it," he muttered under his breath.

"Oh come on, he's not that bad." I laughed.

Asher's dad was a really busy and successful man. The entrepenuer had set up his own business for computers and laptops in 3-D. He'd gotten a break for two days though so he surprised Asher and Asher's mom and spent some time with them. He was, to say the least, shocked Asher had gotten a girlfriend and settled down for a while. He was even happier at the fact that I knew about Asher's past relationship issues and was okay with them.

I met him yesterday. Unlike Asher's mom, Mark was actually really kind and funny. It was really nice to finally meet Asher's dad. Asher did admit he'd missed Mark, but not the embarassing baby stories that came along with him.

Let's just say I had enough blackmail on Asher for a couple of months.

"Guys, dinner's ready!"

"Coming," Asher hollered back. "Are you sure you want to eat dinner here? I can take you out..." He asked, worried.

I raised an eyebrow. "Do you have a problem with me eating here when your dad is home? That's like the third time you've asked me that. Breakfast, lunch, and now dinner."

"Excuse me for trying to escape embarassing baby stories."

Asher stood up and I looked up at him, reaching for his hand. "Help me up," I demanded.

He smirked and pulled me more quick that I thought possible. My chest bumped his, we were so close. He drew an arm around the small of my back and I flashed him a smile, wrapping my arms around his neck, pecking his soft lips. He tried to pull me in closer, but I pulled back.

"Do you want your dad to walk in and see us?"

Asher scratched the back of his head.

"That's what I thought," I responded.

He reached for my hand and we walked down the unbelievably long marble staircase that led down into the dining room.

"Ahhh, there's my favorite daughter," Asher's father commented.

We all took our places at the table, me next to Asher and across from Asher's mom. Mark sat next to Asher's mom, across from Asher. I shook my head at him, grinning. "Daughter?"

His light blue eyes twinkled mischievously and the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. "You're going to be my daughter in law one day, I can just tell."

Asher spat out the water he had just taken a sip of, sending it spewing on his mother, father, and I.

"Asher, that's disgusting," his mother frowned disapprovingly at him.

Asher didn't notice because he was too busy choking on air. I grinned and hit his back lightly. Asher glared at his dad. "Baby steps dad, don't get too hung up on this whole marriage idea."


"He was pretending to be a superhero," Mark spoke, chuckling.

My mouth was sore from smiling. I tried to keep the ends of my lips from tilting upwards, Asher was already pissed. When he saw his dad was showing me a picture of him clad in a bedsheet and his mother's bra on his head, he was not going to be a happy camper.

"Hey, do you want Sierra Mist or Fanta?" Asher walked into the theater room.

He squinted at his father's hands. Looking at him suspiciously, he asked, "What's that?"

His dad's eyes widened. "Ummm....nothing." He reached behind his back and secretly tucked the picture into my hands.

"Let me see it," Asher commanded his father.

His father looked at him innocently. "What? I didn't do anything," he protested.

When he saw the corner of the picture from behind my back, he immediately recognized it and was furious.

"Dad, what the hell is your problem? Seriously, you think you can barge in and out of my life, trying to play the perfect father role? Well, think again dad. It's not happening. I'm sick and tired of you thinking the world revolves around you and I'll just act all happy around you when your home and treat you like a king and when you leave, start to be myself. Stop embarassing me and get a grip on reality."

My eyes widened. I snuck a peek at his dad. He looked...sad. No, not sad. Devastated. I wanted to go crawl in a hole. What was Asher's problem? We were just messing around. I know his dad is busy, but Asher's dad is trying to support his family. Asher shouldn't have attacked him like that.

"Asher," I called, chasing after my boyfriend. "Asher!"

I grabbed his hand outside the home theater. "What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with him?" he spat.

"I don't understa-"

He started ranting. "He thinks he can leave me alone with mom and come back whenever it fits his schedule, thinking our relationship will be fine. He pretends to be this happy go lucky, all around amazing person and he's not. He's not. So he should just stop acting like a stupid, ret-"

"ASHER THAT'S ENOUGH." For some reason, him insulting his father, hit me hard. What right did he have to insult his father? Yeah, his father was gone alot, but he just wanted to provide his family with the best possible lifestyle and make life easy for him. Asher didn't need to go yell and cuss out his dad for that. "Your dad wants the best for you. Go apologize." He looked like he was about to argue. "Go now," I scolded.


I pooped out and dead tired and want to SLEEP! My sanity is being Does that even make sense? People, vote for my sanity. XD Thanks guys :)

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