Bikini straps...oh my... (Chapter 12)

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I promised to upload this story :) So i am :D But I can't upload another one :( Sorry if you wanted a HGCM upload.... Anyways, thaks for voting!

Enjoy ;)


Much to my regret, I tucked my head into Asher's shoulder, shy and not wanting the excess attention. I hissed, "Will you stop holding my shoulder? You're attracting to much attention!"

He smirked and whispered back, "Baby, that's all you."

My jaw dropped and I couldn't control a warm blush from dusting across my cheeks. I stuttered, "D-D-Don't call me baby."

He winked. "You know you like it."

If it were possible, more blood rushed to my face.

He chuckled. "You're cute when you blush."

For once, I couldn't think of a comeback so I didn't say anything. He continued smirking because he knew he'd won.

I heard whispers all around us as we walked to the front doors. I could see Asher's popular posse follow us as we reached the main entrance. It was strange, having everyone paying attention to me while and not bullying me.

I heard the jock David, (the guy who'd blocked my way three weeks ago from getting through the door). "That's not... that's not it?"

"God, she thinks she's all that. Just because a new guy came and doesn't know her as the nerd, she thinks she can get with him. What a whore," snidded our head cheerleader.

I glowered at the girl who said that. She was unbelievably jealous of me. How had I not realized it before? What a loser.

"Hmmmm... I always thought she was pretty." I wanted to stop breathing when I heard that. No one had ever given me such a compliment before. Especially at the high school.

"Told you," Asher chided in my ear.

"Luck b*tch," I heard a voice comment.

I decided to to tune out after that.

School was pretty different from my normal day. Starting off with first period. Thanks to Asher, I was handed a pink detention slip for being late to class. It was my third tardy and the very first detention I'd ever recieved in my entire life. I blamed all of my tardiness on Asher. As much as I wanted to not admit it, he consumed my thoughts. His annoying smirk and overly cocky attitude were strangely attractive. I even found his persistance in wanting to be my friend slightly endearing- even of he only wanted to get into my pants. I often got lost in thought thinking about him, resulting in two tardies. My parents were going to KILL me. I felt a little better when he got a detention too, since it was his fault I got late for the third time in a row again.

Also, Asher was in all of my classes so everyone kept whispering about us. Rumors swirled all around me throughout the day and I heard gossip being spread about me behind my back. I almost started to think being invisible was better than being seen. Apparently, we'd shown up together, so we were dating. Either that or he'd already gotten into my pants. Some romantics in my school claimed he'd given up his player persona for me and we were dating.

At lunch I sat at the popular kids table and was smack in the middle of the cafeteria. I stole a peek at my old table. The only person sitting there was Kara. I gave her a worried look and mouthed sorry, shooting an annoyed glance at Asher (who was oblivious to the whole exchange). She sent me a smile and mouthed 'it's okay, have fun'. I sighed in relief. She wasn't mad at me. I mouthed 'help me'. Then she smirked, shaking her head no. I huffed. Fine.

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