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"Only nothing and everything to do with him," I sighed. Emily frowned.

Perhaps I had been oblivious to its existence, but Trevor was the catalyst that sparked all the resentment between Amy and me. What was I supposed to tell Emily his girlfriend?

Worse still, if I told her, would she react badly like Amy did?

Inhaled. Exhaled. I plunged into a sanitized summary of everything that had happened.

"To cut the story short, Emily, Trevor and Amy were friends. She didn't realize that she liked him until he asked me out. I don't like Trevor, I like Ethan."

"Anyway, somehow Sam Rhodes knew that Amy liked Trevor so he beat him up at the party. Because you were so kind and nice  towards Trevor, he started chatting with you online  (I decided that I shouldn't share my suspicion that he probably hacked her computer to learn more about her beforehand). I didn't know that he was the guy who had been talking to you until that day at the Bake Sale."

"Trevor has been avoiding Amy because he thought that she instigated Sam to jump him."

"Amy and I fell out because Amy was angry at me for not telling her about you two and I was mad because she told Trevor I was a slut. I confronted her, we yelled at each other and we stopped talking to each other. And then what happened at nationals happened. "

Somehow after gushing everything out, I felt better. Emily listened but did not interrupt my monologue, her calm demeanor scaring me more than Amy's drama. Amy tore at her fingernails,  while staring Emily out of a corner of her eyes.

"I figured as much that it was you that Trevor was interested in," Emily said at last.

"How did you know? " I was flabbergasted.

"It sounded a lot like you from the bits and pieces that Trevor said during our online chats. I knew I was right when I saw your reaction to him at the Bake Sale."


"I hope this doesn't change anything between you and him. You guys are officially a couple now right?"

"Not yet, though he asked me to. I didn't tell him that I knew it was you but I told him that he needed time to get over the girl he liked before we can be together. I may not be his first choice, but I don't want to be the rebound either."

"Amy," Emily said, turning towards her. "Do you still like Trevor?"

Amy nodded, her expression crumbling completely. "I like him but he never notices me."

It was on the tip of my tongue to retort that that was probably why she liked him, but I demurred.

"I didn't know and hadn't expected that. " Emily sat back on her heels. "But I trust Trevor."

I.e. she doesn't trust Amy. Her knowing expression said as much.

"How did you end up getting back with Sam after the party?" Emily quickly deflected back to the topic on hand.

"I was already an outcast  because of the party. Yet Sam never blamed me. He called me immediately after he was bailed out. He said he only got mad because he loved me so much, and asked me to get back together with him.  But I resisted. After Nationals, I became even more isolated when I was kicked out of the squad. He came to my rescue when a couple of bitches tried to bully me. He also laid the law down on the football team which was why they and their cheer squad girlfriends didn't diss me outright."

"This time when he asked me to get back together with him, I didn't hesitate. I was so incredibly lonely and I thought why not..."

"The first few weeks were ok, except he would keep badgering me for sex and naughty photos. If I didn't give in, he would say it was obvious that I didn't love him as much as he loved me...or he would say that some other girl was interested in him... "

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