Victoria Secret got nothing on this shit

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Sometimes life gives you a second chance. And then screws you over. Mutiple times. The latter seems to be the very incredible road my life is on. I mean there's the whole fact that Jayden is incredible yummy and he wants me. He kissed me to prove that. I touched my lips. But there was a problem, I still liked Drew. SO life! Does he have to kill me for me not to like him? Well he already did that. 

"If you're lips are itchy that may be a sign of HIV." Said the blonde that had brown eyes darker than mine. She plopped on the bed and laid her back on it and turned her face to look at me.

"You called..." She drawed out in reply to my silence. I dropped my hand from my mouth. 

"I like someon-"

"Hot?" She interrupted to ask. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I think I had a sappy far away look on my face because she nodded her head and muttered damn. 

"Like I was saying. I like someone and another someone kisse-" Max got her back off the bed faster than my heart could make it to the next beat.

"Wait! Someone kissed you and  I'm NOW finding out." My mouth opened to reply to her. But.. apparently she wasn't done.

"Does your brother know?" She asked with a glint in her eyes.

"No." She laid her back again against the bed. She laughed. Evily

"You're dead."

"I know." I groaned and threw my head into my folded hands onto my knees. 

"You know he's dead." She said, I felt her eyes looking at me.

"Adriana." Pointed look."The guy who hurt you." I made a move to speak but..

"I don't care what you say. You're bruised and you're eyes are more swollen then a fat woman's boobs. And as red as-" 

"Stop. I get it. I look terrible."

"Yes you do." 

"Gee, thanks."

"No problem, hon. So we're going out. Get dressed." I gave her flat look.

"I got hit by a truck three days ago and you want me to party?" She gave me a flat look now.

"Duh. And it's been a good three days. So hurry you're ass up."

"Ugh, I'm tired."

"From doing what?" I gave her a big smile.

"Breathing?" I said in a cheery voice. She went to my closet and grabbed a blue dress. A blue dress that started at my waist and ended at my butt. Yes THAT short. 

"If that's underwear, what the hell? If that's what I'm wearing, what the fuck?"

"Just wear it." I grabbed it looked at it and sighed. "Yay.."

Victoria Secret got nothing on this shit.

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