Chapter Six: Stolen Kisses--Stolen Life

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Chapter Six: Stolen Kisses--Stolen Life

                “Gray Skies, brother, you know you are tempting fate by seeing this pale woman. Why do you continue to play with fire this way?” Bear Claw questioned as he trailed after Gray Skies. It was just before midday and Gray Skies had to get to The Witching Tree for his meeting with Deniah.

                The thought of holding her soft body against him already had his blood heating in his veins.

                “You are pushing the boundaries, brother,” he warned the younger man. “I already have one shadow; I do not need another.”

                “I have to look out for you since you are too blinded to look out for yourself. You are too near the pale skins here. If they see you—“

                “She is a pale skin and I am still alive and well.” Gray Skies cut Bear Claw off. To say he was well was probably an overstatement. He was not well at all. He craved to have his Fire Hair in his arms. To cover her full, pink lips with his own and join their bodies as she moaned softly beneath him…..

                “Gray Skies, you are my brother and I worry for you.” Bear Claw interrupted his hungry thoughts.

                Gray Skies sighed and stopped walking as he turned to face his brother, younger than him by two years. “Bear Claw, I will be fine. I know the limitations and the boundaries that I cannot cross with this pale skinned woman.”

                “You desire her. You want her to be your wife.”               

                Gray Skies knew he could not hide anything from his brother. They knew each other too well. “Yes,” he replied simply.

                Bear Claw’s brown eyes filled with sadness. “You cannot.”

                “No.” Gray Skies shoulders drooped as he continued on his way. How much easier life would be if he could abandon his people, whisk Deniah away from her poor excuse of a family and take his place beside her just the way he knew he was meant to.

                “Then why torture yourself?” Bear Claw asked. “Find a woman our people will approve of and build a life with her. Forget about your pale woman.”

                Gray Skies simply shook his head and did not respond. Bear Claw had never been in love and therefore would never understood.

                “I’ll stay near just in case.” Bear Claw stated as they neared The Witching Tree and the younger man stopped walking.

                “Stay out of sight. You make her uneasy.” Gray Skies warned.

                “But I am beautiful and majestic.”

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