Chapter Twenty-Two: Show and Tell

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Chapter Twenty-Two:

                “Please, Gray? I want to see it.”

                “Fire Hair, why do you want to see? I can promise you that it is disturbing.”

                “Gray, I’m begging with you to show it to me. I want to see what it looks like.”

                Gray Skies shook his head and let out a long breath as he stared hard at his pleading woman. She had her hands held out and her fingers clasped together as she stuck out that lip and batted her lashes. It was a technique she had learned years ago for getting what she wanted from him and so far it had always worked for her.

                Gray Skies knew that it was going to work this time as well. He just was not quite ready to let her know that. “Deniah, my shifting is not a game for your amusement. It is not a show to be watched whenever you get the urge.”

                Deniah gasped with shock and stuck her hands on her hips. “I would never treat you in such a way!” she scolded. “I love you and you know that, or at least you should by now! I simply have to see how my big, strong, copper skinned man transforms into my beautiful crow.”

                Gray Skies turned his head quickly and looked out over the clear pool of water and the cascading waterfall, desperately trying to keep her from seeing the twitch tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Flattery will get you nowhere.”                

                Deniah laughed lightly and he was aware of her moving toward him. Instantly his body went on high alert, waiting and longing for her touch. It had been three days since she had given herself to him and they had been lost in one another since. Gray Skies had known that a fire burned inside his Fire Hair and he hadn’t been disappointed. They made love every chance they had, learning each other bodies; kissing, touching, tasting—Gray Skies felt his breechclout growing tighter at just the thought.

                “Gray,” Deniah whispered as her hands touched his bare chest and she spread her fingers wide. “Please?”        

                Gray Skies glanced down at her and could see the smug look in her gray eyes as she gazed at him through her lashes and slid her teeth across her full bottom lip. The damnable woman knew exactly what she was doing. How quickly she had gone from an innocent girl to a grown woman, confident in her ability to use her body to get what she wanted from him.

                “Just once,” Gray Skies mumbled as he stepped away from her. He shook his head when she let out a happy laugh and clapped her hands with excitement.

                “I’m sorry!” she exclaimed, attempting to sober herself. Gray Skies simply shook his head, chuckled and then slipped off his belt and breech cloth. Deniah’s eyes instantly gazed approvingly over his body and Gray Skies growled.

                “Do not start, Fire Hair, or I will have to cancel your entertainment to have a bit of my own.”

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