Chapter Nine: Death and Danger on the Cliffs

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Chapter Nine: Death and Danger on the Cliffs

                Gray Skies knew he had no time to waste. Already he could feel fear gripping and clawing at his gut. Was his Fire Hair safe? Why had he not gone to her sooner?

                His fists clenched as he ran through the darkening forest. Gray Skies knew he could reach Deniah’s home faster as a crow but knew he needed to do so as a man. And if her father and brother had harmed a single blazing hair on her head he would spill their blood.

                On and on he ran silently. His feet made no noise as they bounded across the leaf and stick strewn forest floor. The pale faces called his people the Ghost Tribe and that is what Gray Skies moved as. Silent as a ghost.

                He was not being followed. He had made sure of that first before heading toward Deniah’s home. He knew that Chief Big Sky had no doubt told the tribe to leave him be and let him have his space to make the decision he needed to make.

                And Gray Skies had made his choice. He had never truly had one to make. There was always only one decision he could make.

                It was nearing midnight when the clearing and Deniah’s home came into view. Gray Skies knew instantly that something was wrong. It was far too quiet. Different from ordinary silence, this was oppressive, thick and heavy.

                Giving no heed to the danger of Matthew and Jonathon’s guns, Gray Skies ran to the cabin door and threw it open. He had never before been here outside of crow form and this was his first time inside.

                The cabin was meager at best but it was clean and tidy. There were wildflowers in a jar on the table but they had begun to wilt.

                “Deniah!” Gray Skies called into the silence. “Fire Hair?”

                There was no answer though he had not truly expected one. Still Gray Skies searched the two small bedrooms and climbed the ladder to the loft.

                Frustrated and growing sick with worry, Gray Skies made his way back out into the night. Where was she? Desperation and sadness filled his soul. He had lost her.

                Gray Skies had no way of knowing where Deniah’s family had taken her, though he knew it was a long trip because all of her belongings had been gone. Instinct told she was not in town merely a few hours away. They would not want her that close to him; that within his reach.

                Gray Skies walked down to the river and sat in the spot Deniah loved. The very place he had visited her as the crow, her crow, many times. Crickets and frogs filled the inky black night with their songs as Gray Skies stared down at the gently moving current of the water.

                Gray Skies’ mind raced. His brother had sent him a sign. Had Gray Skies misunderstood? Where was Deniah? Had she been harmed? Was she angry with him for not coming for her more quickly? The answer to that final question was no. She would not be angry at him. Deniah had the most forgiving soul that he knew. That was apparent in her constant defense of those monsters she called family.

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