Chapter Twenty-Five: Ceremonies and Surprises

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Ceremonies and Surprises

                “You dare bring her here? You dare dishonor the memory of your brother this way?” Wolf Heart demanded as his fists clenched with anger.

                Gray Skies took a deep breath and let it out slowly. This argument was getting nowhere fast and no matter how many times, Gray Skies told his father the truth of Bear Claw’s signs that he was meant to be with Deniah, Wolf Heart would not listen.  “Father, she is not responsible for Bear Claw’s death.”              

                “Her people are! Her blood! Her brother! Her brother killed your brother and now you are bringing her back here? You would choose to be with her? You would choose to bring her back to our people?”

                “I did not choose to come here. Big Sky requested my presence and Fire Hairs as well. If you are angry you should go and speak with him,” Gray Skies replied evenly. He did not want to argue with his father. He had been taught to always respect those older than he, though that lesson was often one easier said than it was done. Gray Skies was very tired of having his relationship with Deniah questioned at every turn.

                “Big Sky may want you both here but the choice is not his alone. There are other elders here and more tribes as well with chiefs and elders of their own. No one will accept that pale-skinned woman among us. Your brother’s blood was spilled and should be avenged with blood from the family who took him!”

                Gray Skies shook his head and slashed his hand through the air, “No one will harm, Deniah. I will protect her with my life.” Wolf Heart shook his head with disgust and took a step back. “And the debt for Bear Claw’s life has been paid. The man who took his life is dead.” Gray Skies insisted, feeling a slight twinge of guilt at the lie.

                “The debt will never be paid. Bear Claw was a promising warrior and could have been one of the best our people had ever seen had he been given a chance to grow. I vow to you now that you have lost me. I no longer have any sons and our people will never accept you and that woman here together.”

                “Gray Skies?” Gray Skies turned quickly when he heard Deniah’s voice behind him. He and his father had been speaking in the tongue of their people and Gray Skies was grateful that while Deniah had been learning a few words during the last few weeks, she did not know enough of the language to have picked up on what his father was saying.

                “Fire Hair,” Gray Skies held out his arm and she came to him, slipping beneath it as he pulled her protectively to his side.

                “Is this your father?” Deniah asked quietly. 

                Before Gray Skies could reply Wolf Heart stepped forward, “No, I have no sons. You will do well to leave here, Fire Hair,” Gray Skies felt Deniah tense at the hostility in Wolf Heart’s voice and it only served to fuel Gray Skies temper.

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