Chapter Twenty: Heat

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Chapter Twenty: Heat

                Deniah took a step toward him. Her eyes washed over his lithe body full of deadly grace. A low growl tore from Gray Skies chest and caused Deniah’s gaze to move back to his face. His face was illuminated in the moonlight and she saw his brown eyes flash hungrily while tension caused the muscles in his cheeks to jump and bounce.

                “Fire Hair, do not look at me that way,” he warned.

                Deniah had learned that when she bit her lip and looked up at him through her lashes, it seemed to have an effect on the man and his self-control. Right now she was willing to do anything to get what she wanted from him. She was tired of him telling her no.  Her body did not need time to heal—it needed Gray Skies.            

                Calling on every bit of her considerable lack of knowledge, Deniah let her teeth run over her bottom lip and gazed up through her lashes at Gray Skies as she stepped closer. He stood as still as an oak as she moved close enough to his naked body to feel the heat pouring off of him.

                Slowly Deniah raised her trembling hands and spread her palms on his broad chest. His skin was warm and firm beneath her fingers and the copper color contrasted sharply with her own paleness. She could feel the tension in Gray Skies’ body as she looked up at his face. He was looking into the woods instead of down at her and his jaw was so tight that he appeared to have been carved from stone.

                Deniah wondered what he was thinking. Did he feel the overwhelming feverish heat that she felt inside. Her thighs were trembling and her heart racing. Deniah thought about what he had done to her beside the river days before. She thought about the way he had kissed her neck and caused those shivers throughout her body. Would he like it if she did the same thing to him?

                Deniah swallowed hard and then rose on her toes to press her lips against the front of Gray Skies’ bobbing throat. She felt a shudder course through his body and heard him moan, though he did not move.        

                Fueled by his reaction to her kiss, Deniah kissed his throat again. She let her lips trail down to the hollow at the base of his throat and then moved toward his ear.

                Gray Skies’ let out a growl, “I cannot keep myself from taking you much longer, Deniah. I am pleading with you to stop.”

                The sound of his voice so full of longing and passion caused Deniah’s legs to all but disappear beneath her. Gray Skies’ arms quickly circled her waist and held her upright. His dark eyes looked down and met her gray ones.

                “I do not wish to stop, Gray. I want you to teach me… show me what this fever burning in me is for,” she begged.

                She could tell he was going to give in. She saw the look in his eyes switch from one of determination to one of greedy hunger. “You are sure?”

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