Chapter 2 - Sinner or Saviour?

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The best picture I could find for this chapter was a YouTube thumbnail. What could possibly be more embarrassing?
Oh yeah. The very existence of this book. That's the most embarrassing thing of all.



I go down the other path that the hallway had offered before. So far, there aren't any holes, big or small. The hall leads to a large room with tables, chairs, and a kitchen on the other side of a counter. I rummage through the kitchen's refrigerator, and manage to find a sandwich that's probably 100 years old. I don't care how long it's been expired for though, right now I'm hungry. I begin to chomp down the sandwich.

    Before I'm even halfway finished my lunch though, there's a brusque clatter from the next room, causing me to jump. I pause, and listen for any further sounds. Somebody in the room the crash came from  is mumbling to themselves. I quickly finish my food. Then I grab my crowbar and stand up, as quietly as I can. Noises such as clatters and murmurs must be investigated, to satisfy my never-ending curiosity.

   The person's voice becomes a little more clear the closer I creep up to the open doorway. I can make out that it's a man's voice now, but he's talking too quietly for me to make out his words. I take a peek around the doorframe to get a glimpse. As I was expecting, it's a lost one. He's rambling incoherently, his sad lambent eyes are furrowed with frustration for whatever reason.

    I shift my weight only a little bit, but it causes the floorboard underneath me to creak. The lost one must have heard that, because he stops talking immediately. I instinctively freeze in place, and he stares right at me. Uh oh.

"Did you hear any of that?" He asks me accusingly.

"No, I, uh, I was too far away," I reply honestly. I resist the urge to add that the few strings of words I could make out seemed to be ludicrous ramblings.

"You sound like a liar!" The lost one shouts furiously. (To be fair, the way I spoke did sound kind of suspicious.)

He lunges toward me suddenly. I hold the crowbar in front of me defensively, and when he reaches for me, I try to whack him in the head with it. He ducks down at the last second with surprising agility though, before punching me hard in the gut. I recoil backwards, dropping my crowbar to the floor. I should stop letting my curiosity get the better of me.

The lost one, who is a lot stronger than he looks, grabs my neck and throws me to the ground. I groan, my stomach still recovering from the punch, and my neck hurting where he grabbed it. He raises his arms above his head, preparing to bash my ribcage in with the vehemence of a crazed chimpanzee. (Like in the film Nope, if you've ever seen it.) Before he can rain hell down upon me though, a low growl sounds out, nearly vibrating the walls. The lost one pauses and wildly looks around in an effort to pinpoint the source of the sound.

His body is suddenly and violently torn away from me, and I hear him scream in shock. I look up to see the Ink Demon holding my attacker in one hand, as though he is only a stuffed bear being toyed with by a child. The lost one shrieks in bloodcurdling agony as the demon tightens his grip, slowly crushing the ink creature's bones. There is a final, fatal snap, and the lost one's body goes limp in his hand. The sudden absence of his screams fills the air with dreadful silence.

I lay sideways on the floor in shock, my arms supporting my weight. The Ink Demon lets out a satisfied huff, throws the body to the wall, then turns to me. Just like our first meeting, I'm too petrified to move. The demon steps towards me, and I flinch. He opens his mouth slightly, like he is about to say something, but then he turns the other way instead. His hoofed feet clack against the derelict wooden floor as goes around the corner, then disappears.

Wow. Okay. I think he just saved my life. Normally I'd say that automatically makes someone a good guy, but he also gruesomely killed that lost one. Does he, like, care about me? Is that why he saved me? Maybe it's just another weird 'thank you' for getting him out of the hole. I don't see why else he would save me. Wow. There's a dead guy over there. He basically pulverized that persons bones. And he left me alive.

I have so much to tell that other girl now.

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