Chapter 4 - Devils Don't Fly

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Tom is literally my favourite character in the franchise other than the Ink Demon he literally punched the door in the first game and he's so bestie in the second game other than that I dunno why I like him so much ✌️


I tail closely behind Allison as she adroitly navigates the claustrophobic halls. I can tell she is moving a little more slowly than she normally does, to make it easier for me to follow. Even still, she's quite fast.

"You'll want to hurry up back there, we don't want any more encounters," she says to her back.

"Won't going fast make the encounters happen faster though?" I say in a huff.

"You're a funny one, Y/N," Allison laughs. I don't feel very funny though.

We finally arrive at our destination. It's significantly tidier than the rest of the world I've seen, but there's still ink everywhere, because of course there's no escaping that wretched stuff.

"Welcome to my sanctuary!" Allison announces. "Tom, we've got company," she shouts to the empty room. A life-sized Boris turns around the corner to reveal himself. I gasp a little, because he looks almost exactly like the cartoon I've known for so long. The only differences are that he's a lot rougher and tougher than the happy-go-lucky wolf I'm familiar with. I could explain what he looks like to you, but since your reading this im going to assume you know what he looks like already. If you don't, he's the picture at the top of this chapter.

    Tom waves at me in the most threatening way a wave can be (maybe it's because of the angry expression and robot arm). I wave back as disarmingly as I can possibly make a wave to be.

    "Tom, this is the friend I was talking to before. I brought her here because she needs some help right now," Allison explains to her companion, knowing full-well he won't be very trusting of a stranger. He relaxes a little after she says this.

    Allison sits me down on a hard couch and goes over to a sink to get me some water. At least I convince myself it's water. Truthfully, it might just be more ink.

    "Now, why don't you tell me about your encounters with the Ink Demon? I'm really surprised he didn't kill you," Allison says as she takes a seat of her own on a small wooden chair. She motions for Tom to sit too, but he decides to stay standing.

    "Yeah, um, I guess he didn't want to kill me?" I say unsurely.

    "I suppose, but why not?" she asks. I look at her offendedly.

    "Oh no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. It's just, I've met him before, and I would have died if Tom hadn't gotten me out of there at the last moment. I think only a handful of people have actually survived an encounter with him. So I just can't wrap my head around why he would help you." There is no accusation in her voice. Only statements and a very good question. I nod understandingly.

    "Well, uh, I think it's because I saved him from a big pit," I say. Allison's eyes widen.


    "...yes," I say, a little unsure of my own words. I proceed to tell the angel all about the clumsy rescue, and how I almost got killed by a feral lost one, and the fight that had ensued only moments before she had arrived to get me. Tom is pretending not to listen to my stories. Allison, however, is making it very clear she is listening intently. After I conclude my tales, Allison sits up.

    "That is... interesting. Just, remember that you can never fully trust him. They never called him the Ink Demon for nothing, after all. You can't rely on him to get you out of every situation, and you most definitely can't rely on him to not kill you in a moment's notice," she says, hoping to disabuse me of any notions that the Ink Demon could be an ally.

    I don't blame her for wanting me to be more wary of him. In fact, I probably should hate him. But I can't shake the feeling that maybe all is not as it seems, and that maybe even the Ink Demon has the potential to be good.

    "Devils don't fly, Y/N. That's one of the few things I can remember my mother telling me before I became another monster in this world. Remember that, and you'll have an easier time surviving here," Allison instructs me.

    "But, you don't seem like a monster to me," I say honestly. The angel smiles sympathetically, then looks to the ground.

    "Down here, we're all a little monstrous," she whispers. She sighs, before standing up.

    "Would you like some more pseudo-water?" she asks, changing the subject. I look down at the empty cup I'm holding.

    "Yes please, actually."

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