Chapter 7 - Jailbreak

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Fun fact: I get a notification every time someone adds this story to their reading list. I know who you are. I do in fact judge your profiles. Looking at people's reading lists is how I found out Transformers is more popular than I thought.

Also, sorry for the wait fellas!


For a short moment, both Allison and the slug monster amalgamate seem to be frozen, maybe by a mix of fear, surprise, and confusion. Then Allison says "what the ████?!", and the monster restraining her makes an odd garbled screech. It drops Allison to the ground, and rushes toward Inky and I with surprising speed. Using the hand that isn't holding me, Inky grabs the creature's head. It writhes as he quickly raises it up, then throws it. It crashes into a glass barrier that had been protecting what looks like a jail cell. Shattered crystalline glass is strewn across the floor, and Allison instinctively shields her face from any rogue flying pieces.

The creature pushes itself off the ground, as though it is unaffected by the blunt force trauma it just suffered from being thrown. Glass shards jut out of its body, but it pays no mind to them. To my surprise, it begins to talk in a voice as garbled as it's earlier screeching, as though somebody had recorded it speaking and then broke the record but left it intact just enough for it to barely work.

"The Ink Demon," the creature speaks with startling volume, "is to come with me."

I can't think of anything to say, so I just yell "nuh-uh!"

Inky sets me down fairly gently, then hastily approaches the creature. Allison runs to me.

"Allison!" I exclaim. I expect her to give me a hug or handshake or something. Instead she stops in front of me, and stands there with an expression on her face that tells me she wants to slap my cheek.

"Y/N, what the hell?!" Allison angrily exclaims. Far behind her, Inky picks up the slug monster and slams it into the ground repeatedly. It squirms out of his hands, falls to the floor, then tackles his legs. I can see that Inky's assault has torn it's body in many places, revealing cogs and flesh underneath what must have been a bodysuit of sorts.

"I, uh, have a lot of explaining to do for you," I say awkwardly to Allison.

"Yeah no kidding, but now is not the time," she says, turning around to face the action behind her. She rears her machete, getting ready to run to the two fighting monsters, but I grab her shoulder before she can bolt away. I don't want her to join the battle. Partly because I'm afraid she'll get hurt. Partly because she probably doesn't see the Ink Demon as a friend, and so she'll attack him and then he'll attack her back.

"Please, please stay," I practically beg.

She turns to me with angry eyes, but her expression quickly softens. Behind her, Inky is attempting to eat the other monster while the creature tries to rip his hand off. It is not dissimilar to watching a bird try to eat a writhing snake.

Inky finally bites the monster's head off. It's body becomes motionless immediately. Rather than going limp, it's joints freeze in place, as though it was a machine that suddenly stopped working. As soon as this happens, Allison grabs my hand.

"Hey!" I shout, but I'm significantly weaker than she, and powerless to wrestle myself free from her grasp.

With me in tow, she darts down the hallway Inky and I first came from. I nearly fall several times as my feet try to keep up with her pace. I begin to protest against her actions, but she shushes me as soon as I open my mouth. Once she decides we've gotten far enough away, she turns around a corner and sits me down on the floor against a wall and table. She quickly seats herself right next to me.

"Where have you been?" she whispers. "Tom and I thought you were dead."

"Speaking of which, where's Tom right now? Why wasn't he with you? Also what was that thing trying to drag you away?" I ask her, naturally mimicking her hushed voiced.

"That was one of Wilson's Keepers, and Tom didn't know I was captured," she answers quickly and straightforwardly. "Now tell me, where have you been?"

"Why did you drag us away so fast?" I ask instead of answering. I'm not doing this on purpose, I just have a lot of questions.

"The Ink Demon is dangerous, I had to get us out of there as quickly as I could," she says, clearly annoyed that I haven't answered her.

"But he's the one who got me out of the giant hole I fell in!" I exclaim, breaking out of the whispering voice.

"What?" she says at a now normal volume.

"I've been with the Ink Demon. He was in the hole too when I fell in, and he got us both out, and then I just kinda followed him around for a while," I finally explain. Allison has the most simultaneously confused and horrified expression I've ever seen on someone.

Before she can think of how to respond to this, we hear the clacking of heavy hooves coming down the hallway. Allison freezes. I turn to face the corner where we're expecting the Ink Demon to appear from. However, the clacking stops.

When I turn back to Allison with a disappointed frown, I jump. Inky is standing right behind her. Allison doesn't budge. She has the look of pure terror on her face.

"He's right behind-"

"I know," she says with a surprisingly steady voice.

"You cannot run from me," Inky says lowly.

I feel like I should do something to break the tension and fear that everybody is feeling right now.

"So," I start, "Allison, this is the Ink Demon. Ink Demon, this is Allison."

Beware the Ink Demon? (BATDR Ink Demon x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant